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I like to make characters and pose them for screen shots. Now, in Oblivion, posing multiple characters was easy, because I could use showracemenu and Createfullactorcopy to make other characters of a modded race/hair how I wanted. This made battles between Burmecian's and Twili possible, making for great pictures! However, I've recently discovered Fallout 3 HAS no actor copy!! Is there any mod anyone knows of where I can create a clone of myself to pose in ways like that? Thanks for the help!


(P.S. If there's something where I can change NPC's hair/face, that'd be great to. I just want to put my characters (and my friends characters) in FO3 and take pictures.)

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Try not posting in the mod request forum? Since you're not requesting one to be made. Try the general mod forum instead. Also your topic title is really vague and you didn't add any info in the other "sub title" section to explain what you needed.


p.s. Player.placeatme 7


Should spawn a copy of yourself.


Download and use the groovatron + Umpas animations etc. to then force that copy into poses. ( Though I don't think it copies equipment sadly )


There's also a command/ways to use the free look camera, while putting yourself into poses ( umpas/groovatron again ) which helps when taking screenshots. ( I -think- it's "tfc" ( toggle free cam ) but I don't remember )


p.s. Having patience also really helps, someone will reply to your topics when they see them, as I said, more descriptive topic title, in the right forum, then just wait, don't need to bump your topics.

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