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Playable creatures

Guest deleted1302297

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Guest deleted1302297
I think it would be awesome to play as a creature, specifically a Super m. because it would add a lot of role play to the game and would be fun to have a mutant companion and go attack towns lol. If someone knows a mod like this could they tell me or if someone makes one tell me thanks to everyone on nexus :sick:
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Actually, a minimod that lets you "remote control" a creature could be a good start. Maybe something like a simulator pod but connected to the creature itself.


So maybe a quest for the BoS to sneak into the Enclave hideout by capturing a Enclave personnel using a modified mezmatron and fitting him in a modified Enclaved Power Armor.


And in that mode I think to get a full synchronization of that personnel, your own life is linked to that person, so if he dies you die.


Maybe after completing the quest, you get full access to the console for the simulator, allowing you to remote control other npc you captured too (with no penalty if it dies).



Otherwise, a full change to the mod could be a side quest plot for some scientist to remote control different npcs and get past obstacles for him to get research notes.

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Guest deleted1302297
Actually, a minimod that lets you "remote control" a creature could be a good start. Maybe something like a simulator pod but connected to the creature itself.


So maybe a quest for the BoS to sneak into the Enclave hideout by capturing a Enclave personnel using a modified mezmatron and fitting him in a modified Enclaved Power Armor.


And in that mode I think to get a full synchronization of that personnel, your own life is linked to that person, so if he dies you die.


Maybe after completing the quest, you get full access to the console for the simulator, allowing you to remote control other npc you captured too (with no penalty if it dies).



Otherwise, a full change to the mod could be a side quest plot for some scientist to remote control different npcs and get past obstacles for him to get research notes.


Yea, i think just making them playable would be easier than that, lmao :D

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One time I got this crazy idea... that if at the very beginning of the game when it shows the Lone Wanderer being born and dad asks "are you a boy or a girl?" then there would be an option to say robot.


things just got hilarious in my mind after that.


Dad: Now then are you a boy or a girl?


Player: Robot


Dad: Ah, you're a .... a robot?! How is that possible?


Mom: Huh, what are saying? How is our baby?


Dad: It fine Cathernine... it's just a robot.


Mom: A robot? I had a robot in me all this time?


Dad: Now now Cathrine... there must be some sort of... lets check the gene projection. See what its going to grow into.


Player: *looks at the gene projection which lets them look at a Protectron. They can change things like the coloration or change the dome color and style*


Dad: Okay... that was... informative. Cathrine? Cathrine? She's going into cardiac arrest... get that... baby out of here!


[two years later]


The player is playing as a baby protectrion... however that works. Its just like the regular baby steps but when you hit the action button there is a robotic "Fa...ther" sound. (Kind of like the sound clip from one Simpsons episode... I think homer was starting a hunting lodge so he could serve beer to his friends in his garage and had to toss out some stuff. One of those was a half-finished robot made out of tin cans and paint brushes "Father... give me legs!" "Get out... I said out!")


[eight years later]


You're a child-sized protectron and you are at your tenth birthday party... from now on its pretty much exactly like the normal quest xcept people call you robot instead of boy or girl.


Overseer: Now then, little robot. Its your tenth birthday and now you get your very own pip-boy. Tomorrow you'll be having your first vault assignment.


You go through this part mostly normal but you don't have the option to eat the sweetroll or wear armor or clothing. When you get the sweetroll you have the option of giving it to Amata instead of eating it yourself.


You can equip weapons like the BB gun and use it to fire at the targets and radroaches.


[six years later]


You are preparing to take your G.O.A.T. exam and people all say the same thing, just replacing your gender with robot. You go out to take the exam.


When you confront the Tunnel Snakes bullying Amata then Butch says something like "What are you, her robot friend? Haha I knew she was like that."


At this point, you discover that instead of your default attack being fists to punch with they are lasers that come out of your hands and head.


[one year later]


You wake up to Amata telling you that the overseer is out to get you. This time you can easily refuse taking a weapon and she remarks "of course, you've got those lasers of yours." This makes Escape and a good deal of the game easier since your default attack is a ranged laser attack with unlimited ammo. You can go about the quests as normal except with a few changes.





Being a protectron:


Laser attack - instead of punching with your fists you have a laser attack. The beam is a little less effective than a regular laser pistol so it pays to use weapons later on in the game. The beam normally originates from your right hand, but switches to your left if the right is crippled. If both hands are gone it is fired from your head. If both hands and your head is crippled then you can't fire lasers... you're also really injured.


Can't Sleep - you are a robot, so all those mattresses don't do anything for you, not even the ones that give the well rested trait. Maybe you can 'rest' by plugging into the various generators you see around the ruins.


Can't Eat - you don't ingest food or water. You might be able to take medicine... somehow. It would be cool if you could drink alcoholic beverages (like Bender from Futurama) to heal yourself. You can also use scrap metal to heal yourself... or maybe consume energy-based ammo types like Microfusion cells or energy cells or similar.


Rad Resistance - you have a natural resistance to radiation but not immunity. The resistance is about the same as a suit of advanced radiation suit.


Can't equip armor - You can't put on armor because you just aren't shaped the right way. Could have difficulties for quests like Tenpenny Tower, the Tranquility Lane simulator, Helping the Outcasts, and entering The Pitt.


Can't Sneak - not quite sure if this is too much, but I don't think protectrons or robots in general can sneak. You can however jump, unlike most robots or NPCs.

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I recall seeing a mod that turned you into a Ghoul if you accumulated enough rads.
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Super mutant woul be damned easy and something that I would like to see done. Custom race, give it a larger scale, some nifty retextures and viola, you are a mutant. But what I'd really like to see is custom supermutant bodies, with ridiculously sized muscles.


And the thign would be that every time you wait in an exterior cell there is a 2% chance that you'll be captured by a super mutant, and hauled off to the Vault 87 entrance and wake up as a supermutant. Would make for a spectacular role-playing experience.

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