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Confusion with Concussion


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I'm trying to make it so that reaching Fatal Sleep Deprivation does not kill the player, but instead gives them the Concussion effect. I have tried adding the Concussion base effect to the Fatal Sleep Deprivation actor effect, but this appears to do nothing, regardless of how high or low the duration is set to. I have also tried scripting the effect in as shown below:


if ( Player.GetAV SleepDeprevation >= 1000 )
Player.CastImmediateOnSelf PlayerConcussed
Player.RemoveSpell PlayerConcussed

The script saves properly, so I know it is grammatically correct. However this also appears to do nothing, no visual effects and the -4 Perception is not applied.


How can I make this work? I have tried looking for the game mechanics that apply when the head is crippled, but I could not seem to find that either.


Whilst we're on the topic, does anyone know a way to stop the Sleep Dep value raising above 1000?

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