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more violent fallout 3... realism


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ok if you look at the oblivion mod deadly reflex and back to fallout 3 i belive youl find a big realism gap...

i mean if you run up to someone with a shotgun and shoot them in the leg realistically it would fly off they would fall to the ground screaming in pain and bleed out in abut 3-6 seconds... so anyone up for the modding challenge?

i mean if it was a 100% chance you would blow there body parts off then it would unbalence tha game so maby when you load the mod you get given the options to set the % chance of dcapitations.. just youtube search deadly reflex oblivion if you dont have it but i think fallout 3 is missing that.... gory evilness... why wait till there dead to decapitate there arm?

oh and if you cripple the legs and torso realistically on a human opponent they would be crawling around on the floor paralised would they not?

so mods that add more realistic gore/decapitations would be well apprecited. oh and the amount of gore should be :sick: :P

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it would just be incredibly hard to make


yes, they did it for Oblivion, but Oblivion came out 2 and a half years before Fallout


in time someone will probly make a similar mod, but it will probly be a while

heh so when was deadly reflex officially started for oblivion ? assuiming the rule applies :P

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