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Console spawning


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Hi all


first off, thks for the great site. Lots of great mods to download !



Here's my problem tho, and hope someone can clarify for me :)


SI is not insalled and using latest patch.



I've downloaded alot of diff mods (armor and clothing, ren's packs and the cute elf mod) and wanted to do a small scale siege or any other battle that might come to mind.


So, I go here to find console commands to spawn enemies and toggle different things on and off:



BUT! when I use the placeatme xxxxxx it says something with compiled script not saved or something. Cant remember, I can chk if it is nessescary.


So I think to myself, Im smart. Lets try this command. Find an archer enemy. Kill it, open console and target it. I then use createfulleactorcopy and a new archer spawns. However, he's a friendly NPC that I can talk to. So that's no good.


Well then what if I target an archer alive. I try, and voila. I have an enemy npc. BUT! (always a but) then spawned about 10 enemy archers, and I spawned 5 of myself. To get the fight I wanted. I turn on AI, and nothing happens. They just stand there looking at each other. The copy of myself might attack every now and then. But I want everyone to attack everyone in a "good vs evil" kinda battle. Oh yea and it also only spawns the enemy exactly where the enemy was, so I cant go to ie. a beach to do the battle there.


So here's my question:


How do I go, lets say to a beach outside IC, and spawn maybe 20 archers vs 20 of myself and have them fight it out?



It might be abit weird for some but hey, noone thinks alike right ? And Need these kind of things to keep the game fun.


Thks in advance if anyone is able to help me with this. Hopefully I just have my head in an eggshell and missed something!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,


Console spawning can be quite tricky to master, but once you get the hang of it, it'll work =)


The placeatme command can be quite dangerous as it can corrupt your save (but is always fun spawning mehrunes dagon in the imperial city), but it can be quite helpfull when you need armor that a NPC is wearing.


As you can see on UESP Wiki, there is a list of NPCs, Monsters, Creatures etc. Go on there and find the thing you want. You will see a BaseID on the data about the NPC, I believe you use this code to spawn the NPCs.


Example: Adoring Fan


BaseID: 000AED40


Use the Placeatme command, use that code, hey presto, he'll spawn near you!


Now for your archers:


Bandit Bowman


BaseID: 0003DC48


For more, look on planetelderscrolls. =)


Sorry, can't help about creating more of you to fight though.

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