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I've gotten this far. Can you help?


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1. I've downloaded the Open Cities mod.


2. It was a 7zip so I used a 7-Zip File Manager




3. After extracting, I see this. Most of the files are .esp while a few are .nif




4. Now below I have Oblivion Mod Manager. I think I need .omod files so I'm lost. Can you help???



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Open Cities is in the BAIN format. The easiest way to install it is to use Wrye Bash (http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye Bash.html). If you insist on using the Oblivion Mod Manager (OMM), you're going to have to make your own OMOD file. Because there are so many options for Open Cities, it's going to be pretty complicated depending on what mods you currently have installed.
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Wrye Bash and OBMM are not incompatible with each other. They work well together. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses, and each one can do certain things that the other one cannot. Which you use and which features from each is more a matter of taste than anything else.


As these are utility programs and not mods, they do not run while Oblivion is running.

Both Bain and OMOD are optional formats for mods. They repackage the mod outside of the game to make working with the mod - such things as load order, installing and removing simpler.

The actual game requires the mods to be in its own format. That is, esp, esm, textures, meshes etc - all placed properly in the data folder and its subfolders where the game expects to find them. What OBMM , and Wrye Bash do is all of the dirty work for you, When you install, the OMOD places all of these various components of a mod in the right place. Then if you deactivate the OMOD, it completely removes all of them to a safe place where you can add them again later.


If you were to remove a mod using the game data list, then it only removes the esp, leaving the meshes and textures behind to possibly be used as the wrong replacements for game objects. The OBMM simple data list (the one on the left side can also remove esps, as well as re order them, again leaving parts behind. This does not cause problems with most mods as long as all of a mods textures etc are clearly identified as belonging to that esp. However, in some more complex mods, and where another mod uses the same name, it can cause problems.


OBMM is much more popular than Wrye Bash, mainly because it is somewhat simpler for neophytes to understand.


Almost any mod can be installed without either Wrye Bash or OBMM. and again, almost any mod can be converted into an OMOD and installed using OBMM.

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I got those .esm files into .omod then I had a blue or green mark. I moved it to the left of Oblivion Mod Manager though when i started nothing happened. :wallbash:




I see these and both are checked.



[]Realistic Fatigue.esm

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