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Hide Items In Inventory Mod (Clean Up Mod Controllers)


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i wouldn't imagine this would be too terribly hard in light of some of the things i've seen out there, but who knows?-- I could be wrong.


My request would be a mod to "Hide" items in your inventory (i.e. make them invisible). All those little controller options that edit your mod settings in the pre-MCM world could be tucked away so as to not clutter up your inventory, and then you could press a set hotkey (something safe and out of the way that people would likely never use in-game) to make them show up when you wanted to access them. Could Fallout 3 pull off a tagging system similar to the favorites system in Skyrim, so that you tag the items you want to hide, and then hit your hotkey?


I know absolutely dick about modding this game, or I would legitimately try to make this myself, and it's something I can get by without easily enough, but it would be a nice solution to that problem, I think.


Anyone think it'd be possible? Or that it already exists and I just didn't hunt hard enough?

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Problem with doing this is you won't be able to do it for every mod. You need to create an extension to every mod (as you won't have the permission to change it directly) and some mods are esp and can't be extended. Only masters can be extended and modified. So hiding that specific menu item is gonna be hard . For example [Gun Oil] added by RH_Ironsights is added in an esp called RH_Ironsights Vanilla Plugin.esp...If you wanna do it trough a plugin is impossible without editing the esp itself redistributing (which is illegal). Luckily simply not loading that esp removes the [Gun Oil] menu from inventory .

You just need to use mods that intentionally leave out menu tokens and stuff like that.
My mod avoids menus intentionally http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20196/?
I have created my own Basic needs and my own Triage that do not use menus . I did this to be less immersion breaking.

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