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VO-less Dialog


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i saw an old poll on the subject, but wanted to ask the same question a little more specifically: are people interested in dialog that has no VO? in my case, what i'm trying to accomplish is editing the main quest (yeah, i know) because personally i find it a little wanting. so i'm beginning from the begee, working on spicing up the whole Vault 101/CG part, and also working from the beginning technically, as i've never really modded or done anything of the sort. anyway, my thought was to leave the birth and baby parts alone, dialog and all, and then start changing things from the birthday party on.


SO, i guess i have two questions.


1) what would be the preferred method from the player's perspective? would it be okay to leave non-dialog speech alone (by that i mean NPC comments and the like) and then just disable the speech for PC-to-NPC interactions? i wouldn't mix speech with non-speech in conversations, that just seems counter-productive as far as immersion. or would it be best to remove all speech? that's a big task, i know (hell, i'm not sure it's even possible), but if it would be preferred, then that's what i could do (theoretically). i mean, it's going to take an eternity to do what i want to anyways, so what the hell. i'm assuming i could make a tag for each non-conversation dialog entry telling who the speaker is, which would alleviate some headaches.


2) what would be the best way to disable the speech anyway? i'm fairly certain i could just go in and remove the reference to the speech file for each conversation entry (i did that already with the FadeToWhite sound effects that go with each age transition with no problems), but have yet to see if that would actually work. i was also wondering if there is any way to turn off speech globally. i've done a fair bit of looking around but haven't found anything.


any opinions or advice would be helpful. thanks!

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