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Targeting System,limb dismemberment,sectional damage


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A friend of mine had a pretty interesting idea for a skyrim mod, after speaking to another friend who has done mods for several games he stated he has no experience rigging and this would require someone with the experience and resources to be done properly but added some ideas to help with compatibillity. The friend who had the concept originaly stated he though a vats-esque mechanic would be really interesting to see in skyrim. Since that particular interface likely wouldn't be functional in skyrim me and the other friend worked on the concepts a bit. Okay so the idea is sectional damage and disabling/dismemberment of limbs based on critical damage calculated against weapon type and the base damage/perk bonuses for the debuff or effect triggered by this damage. For the targeting to work we would likely need use of a spell to slow things down a bit and a modified cursor to have a faint glow or color change at targeting point. For the sake of compatibillity with animation mods we would need someone who is really good with rigging to work out specific joints to be targeted and dismembered to not break other animation mods.


There are already limited mods similar in concept but this would be far more in depth. The damage as stated above would be based on damage and weapon type and have critical effect based on the attack type and so forth. To add realism we would need the damage to trigger certain status effects or debuffs. For instance using a blunt weapon and shattering a kneecap would result in the staggering effect that i've seen in a mod that adds drunken movement from alcohol. with the enemy occasionaly falling over. Two dismembered legs perhaps adding the dazed effect from an essential npc when their health reaches 0%. While a blade slicing the same leg would result in the opponent falling to the ground. With all of this mobs health would likely need a heafty boost to keep it from completely destroying all balance. The effect would also need to impact players to be fair as well.


There are several ideas I can add to this, if any are interested I can run over concepts with you. I want no credit in any form for simply offering a concept, I would simply like to see this made.

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