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Requesting a Writer.


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Hello, mate.


I'd love to get involved with this project in a writing capacity. I've a few ideas for your mod that I'll try to expand upon when they've been corralled into some sort of order. For the quest's introductory hook, how about one of the following potentials:


1) you stumble upon the carcass of one of your said aquatic creatures washed up on the shoreline near DC?


2) What about the stock 'rambling fisherman' who'll share a story with you about a 'city full o' fish with feet' if you buy him a bottle of moonshine?


3) you discover a bunker in which sits a disused diving bell linking it to a pre-war design for a theoretical Aquatic Habitant. A few simple tasks may need to be completed to get the diving bell operational again, but it will then transport you directly to the vault. Read up on American sealab research of the 1960s for an authentic 'atomic wonder' feel.


As far as storyline:


1) What if this Vault was run by a set of patriarchal geneticists seeking (in a very James Bond way) to create the perfect ordered civilisation using marine life as a basis? They might have developed an isolationist attitude towards their vault, forbidding their charges from leaving and interacting with the outside. Of course, a few have tried to do exactly that, and that's how you become involved.


2) What if the inhabitants were less benign? Perhaps they need new genetic material for some sort of diabolical creation process and have taken to walking the shores of DC at night in hopes of abducting innocents for their cause? This particular plot could have Lovecratian overtones (something Bethesda themselves are rather fond of), with several Shadow over Innsmouth references thrown in...if you're inclined to it.


Well, that's about five minutes of brainstorming. Add it to what you've got and leave to simmer. Your idea looks like it has legs (or fins) there, mate. Feel free to PM me for an extrapolation on what I've written.

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I'm pleased with all the ideas you've presented, with a little tweaking I think I've got myself a pretty decent main plot and history for the location.


This vault will also hide the location of several (though you can only equip one) Underwater power armors. These armors were used by the builders to withstand the high pressures during the building of the lowest support structures of the vault.


I think though it's about time to come up with some characters. What would fit in this kind of situation and what kinds of "people" can we add inside the vault to add in their own unique quests and discussions with the main character? No names, just archetypes and job titles (for example a shop-keeper, or a curious hammerhead who wants to leave the vault, or doctor who needs you to fetch medication, ect. and then male or female?)

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I have some power armors I need a story for. They're located in a spaceship. (so space travel ideas will come into play)


Where did the ship come from and what was its purpose? What else will be on the ship? The crew? Or maybe they died in the crash and native wasteland creatures moved in. Any suggestions?


here's the power armors. (Named after and based off of Gundam 00, for those familiar)


For Males

Exia, specializes in short range, equipped with sword weapons

Dynames, specializes in long range, equipped with two energy pistols and an energy sniper.

Kyrios, specializes in high-speed and agility, equipped with an assault rifle and sword.

Virtue, a high defense and attack model, though quite slow, equipped with a powerful heavy weapon (possibly a Rocket launcher or Fat man).

The above will require power armor training to use or wearing the amor will slowly increase your radiation level.

Eins, built with an inferior generator it leaks radiation gradually. Does not require any training to equip. Armed with a powerful Gun that will drasctically increase Radiation in a Target (Do enemies get affected by Radiation? if not then this will only be quite dangerous when the raider wearing the armor uses it against your player's character.) Armor increases speed

Zwei, built with an inferior generator it leaks radiation gradually. Does not require any training to equip. Armed with a Heavy sword and a railspike gun. Armor increases strength.


For Females

Nadleeh, a mostly balanced out power armor, equipped with a powerful heavy weapon, shotgun, and sword.

Astraea, a prototype armor that will slowly heal the user, it's balanced out on speed, power, and defense, equipped with a heavy weapon, assault rifle, and a sword

The above will require power armor training to use or wearing the amor will slowly increase your radiation level.

Drei, built with an inferior generator it leaks radiation gradually. Does not require any training to equip. Armed with an assault rifle and sword. Armor greatly increases defense


Note: The Exia, Dynames, Kyrios, Nadleeh, and Virtue are all found aboard the crashed Ptolomios spacecraft while the Eins, Zwei, and Drei were stolen by raiders before your arrival, the raiders will attack you and you must kill them and take the armor for yourself.


I might include a shopkeeper somewhere who can sell you better equipment and upgrades for the armors as well as if you give him the Eins, Zwei, and Drei he will use the data from the other armors to make a better generator (that wont irradiate you) and combine them into the Arche Armor. (So you'll need the male armors even if you're female and the female armor even if you're male)


Arche Armor, for both male and female, does not require training to equip. It will combine the stats of the Eins, Zwei and Drei as well as grant you improved versions of all of their weapons.

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Sorry for the multiple posts in a row, I hate to bump like this (if only I could delete posts)


But this one is important. I've compiled a timeline for my "Shark Vault" and I'd like your input to know what needs fixed or if it all sounds good.


2065 - MSM-04 type power armor "Acguy" is completed. Construction of Vault 99's underwater support structures begins.


2066 - Construction of the actual Vault 99 components begin.


2069 - The last chambers are added to the support structures, construction of Vault 99 ends


2078 - Experimentation begins on the Vault Dwellers of Vault 99. Infants and Embryos implanted with Whale and Shark DNA show more mutation in thier growth than expected but the scientists declare the benfits outweigh the risks and continue.


2087 - Scientists slowly begin to achieve a more uniform method of mutation and start developing "Breeds" which each carry their own set of unique traits.


2135 - The "Cetacean" breed obtains an officially sustainable number.


2137 - The "Great White" breed obtains an officially sustainable number.


2140 - The "Lionfish" breed obtains an officially sustainable number.


2141 - The "Hammerhead" breed obtains an officially sustainable number.


2145 - The only known human/cetacean hybrid is born. He is named Shamu Wilson (Yes, in reference to Sea World. But still rather odd seeing as Cetaceans are human and Orca hybrids to begin with so a hybrid of a hybrid.)


2148 - A new overseer is chosen, this one is a "Cetacean" marking the end of human rule over Vault 99. Though a Cetacean overseer sparks anger amongst the "Great Whites" and crime begins to increase inside the vault.


2160 - Attempts to make a human and jellyfish hybrid results in most of the creations collapsing, unable to hold themselves together, being on land results in most collapsing in on themselves and crushing their organs. The successive attempts at the project nearly decimates the Vault's population and experimentation nearly comes to a halt. The Overseer places new restrictions on scientists. Martial Law is nearly declared after a drastic crime increase.


2175 - The First "Jelly" is bred and survives.


2200 - The Vault's population returns to a more stable level as experminentation has ended.


2203 - The "Jelly" breed obtains an officially sustainable number.


2210 - Humans officially "Go Extinct" according to vault records.


2222 - Atlas C. Demott is born.


2241 - Horace Pride is born.


2252 - Corina Williams is born.


2255 - Rem Ventura is born.


2257 - Atlas C. Demott becomes Overseer of Vault 99 beating out his Great White Rival by a landslide vote. Hostility remains high for about 2 months after the election.


2258 - Terra Mcguyver is born.


2262 - Ruby Spitzer is born.


2270 - A minor collapse in the support structure of Vault 99 rips open a hole in the entry hall of the underwater vault, allowing radioactive water to seep into the first few chambers of the vault, an automatic locking system to prevent sinking of the whole structure in case of flooded compartments seals the inhabitants off from the frontal chambers. Inhabitants of the partially flooded chambers begin to show signs of increased aggression.


2271 - Some of the trapped members with their sanity remaining make a desperate attempt to swim through the gash and up to the surface. Most of them Die.


2275 - All the members of Vault 99 exposed to irradiated water become completely feral. They survive by eating each other. The few that escaped wander around being spotted occasionally in the Capital wasteland, usually they are found attacking Brahmin or other creatures they see as food. Horace Prides attempts to organize the ferals under his leadership but without much success.


2277 - Events of Fallout 3 Take Place. The Lone Wanderer uses an Acguy Power Armor suit to manually open the locks (which can only be done outside the vault). Fighting off the Ferals the vault dwellers make their way to the surface, many stay behind and establish a community in their vault. The number of Ferals increase in areas outside and near the Vault but no more remain inside.

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