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What am I doing wrong?


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In the two years or so that I've owned skyrim on the pc, i've uninstalled maybe 5 or 6 times and cleared my mod list. I don't understand. Every time I install the latest SKSE, install everything either through NMM or manually, and every time they don't show up in-game. I've never seen SkyUI or quality world map or anything like that. Just tonight, I re-installed skyrim. Enabled only SkyUI and the map, then started a new game. Nothing. Am I missing something?

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Use the Skyrim Launcher & look in Data files, make sure the mods are showing up & the box is checked, NMM should be automaticly activating the mods you load. When you launch the game to actually play make sure you use skse_loader.exe, not TESV.exe or SkyrimLauncher.exe, the skse mods can't work otherwise. When you install a mod manually make sure it went into the data folder, 10 years of TES games & I still accidentally drop esps in the textures file sometimes :)

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