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The Hotel


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Hey guys whats up. I'm in a Creative Writing class now which means that now I get to write more than I usually do. The only bad thing is that I don't get to read other stories as much on here any more due to time. Any way I hope you like this story. By the way if you have any stories you want to post on this topic fell free to do it. Just be sure to include the title of your work so the stories don't get confused with other peoples



The Hotel


By: Gen. Donuts


“Maybe we should find a place to stay soon, it looks like it’s going to rain.” She said to me as we drove in my new Corvette with the top down. She looked so beautiful. Her hair blowing like fire in the wind, and her jade eyes looking at me pathetically. She always did that when she wanted something, only this time it seemed as though they were peering into my soul. “We will Mary as soon as I find a good place to stay.”

“Well it better be soon because I think I can feel some rain droplets hitting me.”

“Don’t worry, besides I think that sign back there said we only have ten miles to the next rest stop.” Of course as I said that it started drizzling.

“See, I told you it was going to rain. I mean, why do you think I told you to stop at that Super 8 a couple miles back.”

“Yeah but we did stop there remember, and you know what you did as soon as you saw the desk clerk you said lets just go.”

“Yeah, well he was looking at me funny. Also if you didn’t get lost we would already be at your parent’s house. I mean, if you had just stopped and asked for directions like I told you to, everything would be fine.”

“We did stop for directions remember? Even though I said I knew where I was going you just kept insisting, so I finally stopped and it turns out he gave me the wrong directions and pushed us back a day.” I said frustrated.

“Well you could of at least fixed the top, so that it can go up and shelter us from the rain but no you had to save our money for something else.” She said real smart like, she was real good at that.

“Yeah well if I hadn’t done that then we wouldn’t have been able to get a room at that Comfort Inn, which we wouldn’t of had to make had you not made me stop and ask for directions. I mean that is why I have a GPS.” I said. This time you could tell I was mad, and she had had enough of the conversation. Of course the fact that it had just started to rain cats and dogs could have been the reason why we were arguing. Remember, our top was down, and couldn’t come up because it was broken. “Look I don’t want to argue anymore okay. I mean I know it’s raining, but lets look on the bright side.” I said.

She sat there and glared at me as if she were her mother, who doesn’t like me that much. “What bright side?” She asked with her jaw clenched.

“Well let’s just think of this as a free shower.” I said, snickering a little bit. She just kept glaring at me. So I kept driving, I mean what else could I do? Even though we were getting soaked I had to keep going. If I didn’t we’d have to sleep in the car, and trust me when its raining and your top is stuck you don’t want to do that. Then as if out of nowhere she said something. I didn’t hear her at first so I said, “What?”

“There’s a place to stay!” She was basically screaming in my face.

“There? Are you sure you want to stay their?”

“Anything is better than sitting in a car with a broken top while it’s raining.” She did have a good point. So naturally I pulled off into the exit and creaked my way into the driveway. By then it had finally stopped raining. Everything looked beautiful now, except for that god awful looking hotel. I mean it looked like one of those hotels from those terrible Monster movies. “Are you sure about this I mean if we keep going I’m pretty sure we could be at my parents house before it starts raining again.”

“Oh come on it’ll be fun, besides it reminds me of one of those corny Monster movies, and it’s like we’re the victims.” She said as she laughed. I didn’t think it was very funny.

“Whatever you say.” I said. Believe me once she gets this way you can’t talk her out of things… no matter how stupid they seem.

We walked up to the door and knocked on it. We sat there for what seemed like forever. Then the door opened by itself. Oh yeah, and it squeaked real loud to, remind you of anything? “Are you sure you want to do this?” I said it as if I were the biggest wimp in the world.

“Of course I do. What are yuh scared?” She said jokingly.

“Of course I’m not scared.” I said as we walked into the hotel. Of course when we walked in the place was empty, dusty, musty, and eerie.

“Good evening.” Said a creepy, and tall looking man standing behind the door. When I say creepy I mean creepy. I mean he looked like Lurch from the Adams Family, only shorter. You know what I mean right? He was tall, but not as tall as Lurch. Also he had a long face, pale skin, and a plain expression. “Jesus! Man you almost gave me a heart attack!” Mary yelled.

“Sorry Madame I just assumed you already knew I was behind the door… You do know doors don’t open by themselves?” He said in a very long drawn out voice.

“Of course we do.” I said. Of course that was about all I could say because of how badly he scared me.

“I suppose you’re here for a room then aren’t you?”

“Yes we are sir.” Mary said.

“Well I’m sorry, but we don’t have any readily available.”

“Are you kidding pal? I mean when we pulled up here it didn’t exactly look like the most famous place in the world.” I was almost yelling when I said that.

“I’m sorry sir, but we normally…”

“Normally what Walter?” A woman said as she walked down the stairs. She was wearing a red velvet dress. She had thick blonde hair, a fastidious figure, and a very young looking face, and even though she was pale she was still good looking.

“Nothing Madame.” The tall weird guy said.

“So do you guys have a room hear or not?” Mary said in a frustrated tone.

“Of course we do.” The lady said in an old southern type of voice. You know like one of those southern voices from like the Civil War days. “Walter check them in at the front desk. Oh, and make sure the room you put them in has a working shower.”

“Yes mam.” Walter said.

“Thank you so much Miss.” Mary said. I was too busy checking the woman on the stairs out to say anything.

“My name is Claire… Claire Duvall and if you need anything Walter and I would be most delighted to fetch it for you.”

“Thanks” I said. It was about all I could mutter out. Especially since my mind was elsewhere. Anyway after we Walter gave us a key to our room Mary and I went up there, dried off, and went into a deep sleep. When I woke up Mary wasn’t next to me any more.



To be continued…



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Good work, Donuts. It was kinda funny in a way.


(However, I don't know if you can use trademarked/copywritten names like Comfort Inn etc. in your work without permission provided you publish it)

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:thanks: guys for your awsome comments. Also thanks alot dezi for that site I am definately going to use some of those tips from the site to make the rest of the Hotel as awsome as possible. :thumbsup:
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