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What's your desktop look like?


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I'm am proud of my desktop.

I personally think mine looks good.

Not to everyone's taste of course but I like it.

How about showing everyone what yours looks like?

Here's my current desktop, it changes now and again.

Basic desktop



With Steam & sidebar open



For Noobs, click on a pic above and when the site pic has loaded click on 'Full Size' to get the original pic.

As for my screensaver, I use the freebie version of 'The 3D Matrix Code Screensaver' by 'Useless Creations'.

Found here. Scroll down the page to find it (copy & paste) http://www.uselesscreations.com/

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Thanks for the pointer AzirAphale001.

Made the very basic mistake of not checking the other threads.

But hey-ho ... peeps now have a choice.


Good site for some rather good freebie screensavers is:


My personal favourites are the 3D Matrix Code and the When Pigs Fly demo screensavers.

With the Pigs Fly one you can get blast away at the flying pigs with a shotgun.




Be warned, I tend to go off topic a lot. Bear with me. It's a brain thing.


Another one which I purchased many many years ago is called the 'Beam Screensaver'

Site here - http://beamscreensaver.com/


This one is not free.


Their spiel : Dive into fantastic world of furious space battles. You will be amazed how absorbing and relaxing this OpenGL-accelerated screensaver is. Discover yourself in the middle of space action among asteroid belts and eye-catching backgrounds. Enhance the impression from virtual journey with your favourite music.


And ... just to keep everyone happy. How about this amazing video. Resonant Chamber from Animusic 2.

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