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advskill stopped progression


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I have already played through oblivion a couple times but I want to play through it again at really high levels without spending weeks of my life just getting there. I used the cheat advskill to advance several of my skills much higher. The only problem is any skill that I advanced that way no longer progresses normally no matter how long or hard I work it. Does anyone have any idea on how I can fix this?
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How about using "modpcs skill # " instead of adv skill, where "Skill" is the name of the skill w.o spaces. I use that when I don't wanna save the world in iron armor, lol, and I haven't experienced the bug you're talking about, so try using that instead. It does the same thing, just remember that you're adding to the skill, not setting it to the level. Also, if you want to still retain your attribute bonuses when leveling up, only modpcs a little bit at a time when increasing your major skills, otherwise you won't get any bonus when you get to the levelup screen. obviously if you're increasing your minor skills, you won't have to worry about this...
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