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about picking up stuff... plz?


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2 small things that i would like to see changed (not sure if possible though):


1: picking up stuff

i hate it to run arround with my head between my legs so that i can pick up stuff, especially while enemys are arround somewhere.

Is it somehow possible to increase the range / radius when you are able to interact with Items.... just like 2 steps or so?


I have it way to often that i want to pick up something, look directly at it but i am like 10 cm to far away for the Game to let me interact with it, so i have to press forward, aim the mouse again and THEN pick it up... :rolleyes:




2: Removing the [empty] popups.

I know that there is a mod which removes the "[empty]" sign but that one just changed the TEXT so you dont know if something is inside (for immersion).

Well that is NOT what i want.

I would like NOT to see empty Desks, Boxes ... at ALL... not because of imersion or anything, just to save Time while looting.

If i look at an empty container i dont want that text "[EMPTY] Desk" Text to show up at all!

Would it be possible to remove the Text but still be able to interact with the item? (in case i want to place something inside -> mostly needed for the player homes)


I open empty containers way to often for my taste, so if that would be possible i think that would save a lot of time.




I think many people would like those 2 changes, even if they dont know it yet.




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