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Try this ... Uncheck all your mods but her mod and see if it works ... if so it's a mod conflict. if not the mod is broken.

I myself don't use that mod but wonder if it uses FNIS. If so you have to update that when you add new mods that have animations ...

Edited by NexusComa
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  • 7 months later...

Got the same problem myself, I have seranaholic, and some other mods for serana I've disabled them all and rechecked, still no hope, she just stares at me while I try to talk to her, no mouth moving, no facial animation whatsoever, would very much like a fix so I can have my seranaa back as she is my favourite follower :(

Heck I'll even pay for a solution!

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Made some slight progress today, I searched through my 1000's of saves and found the problem or at least a part of it, my serana can speak normally with facial expressions in my past saves, but she has the eyes of when she was cured, in the instance where she cannot speak and she somewhat a blank slate looking at me she has bright red eyes, I suspect this is a mod conflict with my serana mods, textures, follower mods, or eye mods. Going to start reinstalling my mods to find this bug, so nobody can endure this issue again, I've already ruled out AFT (advanced follower tweaks) so thats a big one.


I will keep you all posted.


Hopefully I can find this issue or someone else can.

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