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I had downloaded several mods recently. My machine then crashed, and the operating system was reinstalled. I managed to extract my save files and i still have the plugins, but now when i try to load my save, it says the master file is not present. Also, when i activate the following plug-ins, the game won't run: horse armor, frostcrag spire, orrery, thieves dens. The error says master file not found. Is there any way to fix this? I already tried reinstalling. When I try to load my files, it says that the master file used when saving the game cannot found. Will I have to delete my save file? I really don't want to help. Help please!
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Does it have anything to do with the latest shivering isles patch or not? Someone said that uninstalling and reinstalling the game might work, then downloading the non-shivering isles patch. So I can't use shivering isles at all? I really want suggestions, please.
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The uninstall that comes on the dvd does not completely uninstall the game. It leaves behind some stuff that can cause problems if it is not dealt with before reinstalling.


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus


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