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Now that I see a topic like this, I will give my most honest and moral opinion, and exposing my true nationality, as I was born and raised in Canada, little did I expect for the US to go overboard on several subjects like "Censoring free speech" and whatnot. I do not believe that every single American is like this, but I believe some are. My specific problem with America today is it's government. From where I usually hang around, YouTube, some stupid stuff went going on there, I heard several rumors that YouTube is cracking down on things that may be obscene or in some cases, coarse. Well that's why we have the ESRB ratings, but the American Government seems to violate their letter of the word, saying they would uphold free speech, yet they would try to censor out one of my many favorite movies from their origin, and butcher it as the TV channels you see everyday, with all this work done by the FCC.


My basic problem is their will to take away anything I can say on YT, and YT is where I came to do some machinima work based on Oblivion, Fallout, etc. to inspire others, but I'll get straight to the point. The type of Americans who think self-righteous, and nation-great, they need to consider their strengths, because back in WW2 or some point, we Canadians burned their white house down 3 times from what I recall in history. I didn't seem to have a problem with America, I thought there was some good sides of them, but until all this was announced to me, I felt utter disrespect from what the US has planned. A friend of mine told me if he accidentally swore in the classroom, the teacher would phone the cops, and issue that one kid or his parents a ticket, for what? Just for something really simple, yet stupid as they call it profanity? I believe he should receive a detention rather than be in jail. Now I don't know if this is true or not, but if it is, America does not yet realize the corrupt beast they've become. It's government is the head, and the citizens of America are the body. Basically the head makes all these decisions, and the body follows it's letter of the word. But I'm guessing this is the reason why I see multiple protesters taking a step on the white house, angry critics in that sense, I do not know fully what their reasons are, but I'll assume it has something to do with their government.


So my overall thoughts, America before wanted to take whole advantage of the world. I believe these idiots fall under the category "Narcissism". As in thinking their country is pure gold, while the rest of us are just plain dirt. I do not tend disrespect to those who may be American, yet more mature in a way. Basically most of these respected Americans I met, are basically from this forum, yet those who would acknowledge their economic system, how most slobs defame the US in the way of ignorance and self-righteous they are. (Statement : I'm not saying all Americans are slobs, I'm basically saying the fanatics and idiots that live in the country go out with their propaganda of domination and power, yet if Americans like their country, that's fine. I respect that completely, but please for the love of God don't show off, ok?)


Now my views, Google Inc. is no exception. They are like the US, trying to know of your information, well the US has a right to keep eye on the Western conflict, but to stick their big fat noses not only in our countries, but on everyone, it's like violating our personal spaces. Yet some of us don't even live in their country. My 2 cents added.

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....yet those who would acknowledge their economic system, how most slobs defame the US in the way of ignorance and self-righteous they are.


So....Americans with National pride = slobs. Is that what I'm reading?


Americans as in thinking they're the most powerful country of this world is what I'm stating. Fanatics. I did not say Americans were all slobs, I'm saying some are, but yet I do not believe I am speaking to any of them at this point, because if I did, I wouldn't be talking to them anyway. I wouldn't be contributing to a simple troll factor, as I would take no role in this. I do not have a problem with the people that like their country, that's completely fine by me, as long as they don't go out with their all out alter-ego, and that would save my anger reactors for something else.

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because back in WW2 or some point, we Canadians burned their white house down 3 times from what I recall in history. .


I beg your pardon? It was in the 1800's that the White House got torched, waaay back before WW2 (I don't think you were listening that history lesson), and it was those dastardly fellow countrymen of mine, the Brits, that did it. Some of whom may have been stationed in what was to become Canada.

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Awh, ya spoiled it. I wanted to see the Canadian version of how Woodrow Wilson freed the African-American slaves during the Korean War.


EDIT: and case in point that non-Americans don't have a freak'n clue as to what is 'best' for America. If you don't live here or if you're not an American then you have squat/zero/zed/nil say in American affairs.


I now return you to our regularly scheduled program, 'Die America, Die.'

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PS: I believe what I wrote was quite logical but then again, having studied logic at university, I have my doubts about the value of it at all times.


You are still good reading.:D


You guys are right. Americans ARE stupid. Maybe next time we'll wise up and keep our noses out of the affairs of others, like we SHOULD have done in WW2. :thumbsup:


We could have focused on Imperial Japan, been in and out in maybe two years and left the rest of the world to deal with whatever, as they are all smarter than we are.

I am American and I like America however I also think that we do some things and say some things we should not. Two examples that come to mind: We took part in an Olympics in China, a country that has done just as many evils to its people as any country in Africa yet all Some Americans can do is mention Darfur, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We have Nukes a lot of countries have nukes yet we are going to tell a country like Iran that they cannot have them. And one more we send aid to Haiti without thought for where it goes and whose pockets it lines even though with the amount of aid our country and other countries have already sent they could have built a Hospital that was earthquake proof and a modern sewage treatment plant and working sewer lines, yet we will not instead use that money for our own country.


Those are the types of things that really get me.:D


Americans as in thinking they're the most powerful country of this world is what I'm stating.


I don't think everyone who thinks that is a fanatic. And actually America is the most powerful country in the world. It may not be the greatest or it may not be the most well liked but...


Also being the most powerful country in the world is not necessarily a good thing all the time either. I would elaborate more but I feel that although people will not come right out and say it most people that would even consider creating a topic like this are either looking to start a flame war against the United States or in fact hate the United States.


Two things I have always believed about debates:


1. Just because something can be debated or a question can be asked does not mean it necessarily should.


2. Debating something means that there are pros and cons, sides taken and information exchanged... that means that not everything can be debated!!!

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Two things I have always believed about debates:


1. Just because something can be debated or a question can be asked does not mean it necessarily should.


2. Debating something means that there are pros and cons, sides taken and information exchanged... that means that not everything can be debated!!!


Debates can also be used for just enlighten eachother. Get to know eachothers cultures. :wink:

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Two things I have always believed about debates:


1. Just because something can be debated or a question can be asked does not mean it necessarily should.


2. Debating something means that there are pros and cons, sides taken and information exchanged... that means that not everything can be debated!!!


Debates can also be used for just enlighten eachother. Get to know eachothers cultures. :wink:


Correct! I think that would fall under information exchange. :thumbsup:

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