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Complaining and doing something vs complaining and doing nothing.

This issue goes for my country too.

One can be so depressed of the situation, that one has only got strengh

left for complains, not for action. That´s not a crime. That´s a picture of

the state of ones country.

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Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots?


Heres my personal abridged version:

Conservepedia :wallbash:

Sarah Palin

Dan Quayle "the president will lead us out of this recovery"

George W. Bush "I think we can agree, the past is over"

The south seems to believe the confederacy won your civil war.

Fox News

Fox News (deserves mention twice)


American TV show exports. (good ones buried beneath the bad)

Childish people with access to the internet.

Communism phobia.

Insane "Patriots".

Inability to sort fact from political propaganda (DEATH PANELS OF DEATH) also Steven Hawking was american, who knew? :wallbash:

Barrack Obama's race being such a policy relevant topic.

Typical hollywood movies.

Constant "Friendly" fire in wars.


Well thats the abridged version. Sometimes its hard to remember they're some really intelligent Americans.

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My weeks not happened unless I've inadvertantly offended someone :thumbsup:


Still they're always people that make the rest of their group look bad, be it gender, sexuality race or nationality. Of course its not the rule its just people seem to remember unpleasant things about other groups more. People like Carl Sagan often get overlooked as an example of their country in favour of idiots such as Palin and Quayle, probably because these idiots are so much more visible in their tomfoolery.


Also one of my pet peaves about American "History" is how they seem to think they alone won the Independance war with no outside help or allies. Is that actually taught? Or do people just forget it in favour of the reality portrayed by Hollywood? Hollywood =/= Reality.


My posts are in danger of becoming rants a lot recently.


Lynching Andrew Sachfly would be a great coup for American intelligence as seen by outsiders.

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i believe the majority of the american population have been brainwashed to be mentally retarded by their own choices. i think television and hollywood have a lot to do with this. the subliminal advertisement doesnt help lol. watch derren brown and you will see how easy it is and pick it out much more often hahaha.


of course, there are always those of us with a resistance to such tricks of language, but the more they pound it into your head, the more likely it is to work :)

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Americans are in my eyes people with guns still thinking its the 19th century.. Im just saying..


Not quite.

Americans are people with guns thinking its the 21th century.

Scenes from "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" are long gone.

At least the are not heroic and macho any more, but has been replaced

by drugdealers and small criminals wiping each other out

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Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots?


Heres my personal abridged version:

Conservepedia :wallbash:

Sarah Palin

Dan Quayle "the president will lead us out of this recovery"

George W. Bush "I think we can agree, the past is over"

The south seems to believe the confederacy won your civil war.

Fox News

Fox News (deserves mention twice)


American TV show exports. (good ones buried beneath the bad)

Childish people with access to the internet.

Communism phobia.

Insane "Patriots".

Inability to sort fact from political propaganda (DEATH PANELS OF DEATH) also Steven Hawking was american, who knew? :wallbash:

Barrack Obama's race being such a policy relevant topic.

Typical hollywood movies.

Constant "Friendly" fire in wars.


Well thats the abridged version. Sometimes its hard to remember they're some really intelligent Americans.


I think most americans would find it easy to come up with a similar list for other countries.

It also seems to me that most of the bad image is due to America

a) playing such a large role in world affairs

b) having largely open media


If America wasn't so involved in world affairs, there would be less focus on Americans (for better or worse, most people don't care about the intelligence of Maldivians).

If you were to restrict the media/speech in America (similar to China, Russia, etc), you'd find much less to criticize.

Conversely, if you could somehow make Palau play a large role in world affairs, and provide an enormous media - you'd soon hear about how "dumb Palauans are" (with plenty of "evidence").


Oh yeah, rebalious, that's not really whats taught. However, the focus tends to be on the impact of American citizens - just like any other country does/would do. Remember de Gaulle's speech after the liberation of Paris?

Paris - liberated by itself, liberated by its people, with the support of the armies of France, with the backing of the whole of France, of the true France, of eternal France.


Thats pretty far from the truth as far as I can tell. At least we were taught about foreign aid during the revolution - even if the focus was on American (well colonial at that time) involvement.

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Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots?


Heres my personal abridged version:

Conservepedia :wallbash:

Sarah Palin

Dan Quayle "the president will lead us out of this recovery"

George W. Bush "I think we can agree, the past is over"

The south seems to believe the confederacy won your civil war.

Fox News

Fox News (deserves mention twice)


American TV show exports. (good ones buried beneath the bad)

Childish people with access to the internet.

Communism phobia.

Insane "Patriots".

Inability to sort fact from political propaganda (DEATH PANELS OF DEATH) also Steven Hawking was american, who knew? :wallbash:

Barrack Obama's race being such a policy relevant topic.

Typical hollywood movies.

Constant "Friendly" fire in wars.


Well thats the abridged version. Sometimes its hard to remember they're some really intelligent Americans.


I think most americans would find it easy to come up with a similar list for other countries.

It also seems to me that most of the bad image is due to America

a) playing such a large role in world affairs

b) having largely open media


If America wasn't so involved in world affairs, there would be less focus on Americans (for better or worse, most people don't care about the intelligence of Maldivians).

If you were to restrict the media/speech in America (similar to China, Russia, etc), you'd find much less to criticize.

Conversely, if you could somehow make Palau play a large role in world affairs, and provide an enormous media - you'd soon hear about how "dumb Palauans are" (with plenty of "evidence").


I agree with you a long way, exept the role America plays in international politics. This is (wieved from an outsider) because American goverments

have "a no. one in the world" syndrome. They never trust that there actually are other contries/goverments to deal with world issues.


And let me end this by mention some stupidities about Denmark;


Danish journalist made the Mouhammed Drawings (Major crisis)

A party in our parlament wich is racistic(has got warnings from WHO)

A Danish citizen can not merry someone abroad, until after 2 years. (to avoid other ethnical population to increase)

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