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I am new to this forum, can please somebody guide me or somehow enlighten... - i'm confused.

It's just about two days ago that I read the forum rules. In its content, in Chapter III, on Flaming - stated: "Posting personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people" is not allowed.


I don't know... perhaps you have different meaning on the word "STUPID" here. :mellow:

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insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people" is not allowed.


I don't think there's something wrong. We don't want to offend anyone (I hope moderators understand this otherwise we'll be banned - but no one's been yet AFAIK) and now we're just talking about ourselves and events taking place in our countries ))

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The start of the thread asks "why others think America is stupid", no offending in that.

And I make sure always to say "we are stupid" then I count myself in.

I also include my own country.

It would be offending if I write "you", and with capital letters.

And "we" is a large not specific group. I do not go for any ethnical, political, sexual or what so ever group. :smile:


But I am no moderator, this is just my opinion on the subject :whistling:

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Thank you Rda and Balagor for the explanation.

I'm not an American, by the way.

And not meant really to question any of your statements.

I'm just disturbed by the Title: "Is America Stupid?".

Well, its a personal feeling anyhow (disturbed).

An honest personal feeling... :smile:


I rest my case...


Back to subject at hand and you continue with the Discussion...



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As one of the few Americans participating I saw nothing wrong with a perceptual question, because even if the perception was correct what does that say about the rest of the world for allowing our cultural dominance to pervade their cultures? I found this audience to reasonably American friendly, a pleasant change of pace. I imagine that the ancient Greeks must have posed a similar question about the Romans.
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I'm not American either )



There is a scenic genre called "stand-up comedy" when actor tells various jokes standing on the scene. In Russia there are lots of such actors (like in any other country for sure). Significant is one person whose jokes one time (pretty long time) consisted of terms like "How stupid are these Americans". It's not funny, I think. The same can be said about us in other country. It reminds me of a cartoon "Spongebob Squarepants", an episode where he told jokes about squirrels. Such jokes can offend the others. That's what I think.

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I can't speak for the rest of America, but I know what's going on where I live. Texas now has a standardized test that all high school students must pass in order to graduate. This 'test' is a joke and stacked to get the most kids out of school so the school districts can show a high success rate. If students fail, the State funding gets cut. The school curriculum is geared to this State-mandated test. They teach for the test and little else is considered unless it's SPORTS. School funding is spent on gym equipment, not books. Some of the text books are decades old and don't contain up to date information.


When these kids graduate and go to a univeristy they have to retake basics like biology and algebra. The educational system in Texas is a joke, dumbed down to get kids out the door. And all for the sake of State funding for things like football pads and jock straps, NOT books.

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Texas now has a standardized test that all high school students must pass in order to graduate...


In Russia kids must pass a system of tests after school - it's called Unified National Exam (if my translation is correct). It started a few years ago (I had passed ordinary exams that were before the reform). Nobody can say what's better - new or old system. Both have positive and negative sides. But the UNE is easier to buy :) so a stupid kid with rich parents will have higher results than a smart kid from a poor family. And then they both go to University and the story repeats. The funniest thing is that after all they both try to get a job! And the "excellent student" fails the employment interview.

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