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Oh and as far as National health care is concerned I don't know a lot about it but I do know that the person that invented/implemented the current Socialist health care system in the UK came to America for her health care needs when it was discovered she had cancer. This is probably due to the fact that possibly under a socialistic health care system the better doctors would move to areas outside of said health care system so they could make more money? Also I have friends who live in Canada and they all agree that the system is atrocious and the wait even worse.


First, there is no such word as Socialist health care system. We do not even have socialism here in Western world.

As for some doctors going abroad to earn more, it is due to higher tax pressure in DK, wich again is due to better welfare.

Now where is morale when doctors get their education paid, in their homeland, goes to another with lower tax where doctors can afford health care, but the poor cannot.

This happends all over the world. Looks like we are going to have A-teams and B-teams.

In DK a law is coming, so if they stay away too long, they can not retire in their homeland, due to missing taxpaying

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@SWAT_WaLkAwaY I gave you kudos for making me think.






I mis spoke its called National health Service in the UK and I could not find the article that deals with the woman coming the US from the UK for her health care needs but I did find this and it is not from Wrongapedia


"Danny Williams, the premier of the Canadian province of Newfoundland, traveled to the United States earlier this month to undergo heart valve surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami. With his trip, Williams joined a long list of Canadians who have decided that they prefer American medicine to their own country's government-run health system when their lives are on the line."


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We do not even have socialism here in Western world.


As for some doctors going abroad to earn more, it is due to higher tax pressure in DK, wich again is due to better welfare.

Now where is morale when doctors get their education paid, in their homeland, goes to another with lower tax where doctors can afford health care, but the poor cannot.

This happends all over the world. Looks like we are going to have A-teams and B-teams.

In DK a law is coming, so if they stay away too long, they can not retire in their homeland, due to missing taxpaying


I think we are seriously headed that way or towards a form of it if we don't already have aspects of it already.


And what you describe is called "Brain Drain", you can look up the true meaning but in short it pretty much means that the UK/US and other countries that are willing to pay top dollar to professionals of all walks of life are to blame for the complaining countries shortage of said professionals. I feel this is simply a fallacy and a scape goat measure. Why not blame the individual but then again if that person after paying back their loans and working the terms of their contract with the country that paid their education wants to live a better life and make more money who can blame them.

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After reading a few of your posts it seems you have a Western European view of what is best for America. You're welcomed to your opinion BUT Americans don't think the way Western Europeans do. We are difficult, obstinate, opinionated and hard-headed. The history of our country proves it. You might have the best of intentions and want to enlighten us to a better way of life. I'm sure there are closet American socialists who share your views and they are welcome to them. But to think that America and Americans can be hammered into a Western European mold and accept it is a joke. No offense intended.

No country on this planet shares the same mindset as America. Believe me, people in the past have tried and failed to cram things down our throats. We always spit it out. Obama's 'change' and his plans for a Western European style socialist democracy will be no different. America has it's own unique dynamic and people who are not Americans just don't get it, anymore than Americans understand what it is to be German, Dutch or British.


How would a Western European feel if an American told them what was best for their country? Think about it.

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@Kendo 2

I am not telling Americans or any other how to live their lives. But when I hear from others that a system that we have well functioning in my own country, is a bad, socialist, perhaps even dictatorial, I symply feel the urge to tell how it works here. With that said I DO know that we think differently, and our countries work differently.

I just don´t like that kinda derogatory sound I hear when somebody say "Commie health care" "Just like in Europe" It works for us here, that´s what I try to tell.

As for your last sentence; I think about it every day. Since US of A is a superpower and decides a lot about world economi, enviromental issues, who should be our enimies, etc. you have a great deal of influence, also to europeans. I think I deserve a vote for each 1000 american votes, at US elections. :P

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@ SWAT_Walkaway:


I understand you views, but do you maybe mean "Socialised" (sp?) instead of "Socialist?"


A Socialist health care system would involve even distribution, but all of the profits would go up to the big cheese at the top. A socialised (sp?) health system would be similar to that of a Socialist system, but everything is distributed throughout the peiople, and funding spread out based upon need.




I understand what you mean by wanting to suggest options to America, but as Kendo2 stated, "we're just too hard-headed." I'm sure it goes back to colonial times when all we wanted was to be a separate country. The whole, "Every man for himself" idea is still being passed around.


However, the U.S. is no longer a country of sole European decendants (although that IS still the majority). The U.S. is more of a "Melting Pot," when it needs to be more of a "Salad Mixer." This country was based off of the cultures of many different people, but unfortunately, those same people sort of blended into the background, and we have a hard time accepting new ideals and cultures today, even though that is what American culture is based upon.

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@ SWAT_Walkaway:


I understand you views, but do you maybe mean "Socialised" (sp?) instead of "Socialist?"


A Socialist health care system would involve even distribution, but all of the profits would go up to the big cheese at the top. A socialised (sp?) health system would be similar to that of a Socialist system, but everything is distributed throughout the peiople, and funding spread out based upon need.




I understand what you mean by wanting to suggest options to America, but as Kendo2 stated, "we're just too hard-headed." I'm sure it goes back to colonial times when all we wanted was to be a separate country. The whole, "Every man for himself" idea is still being passed around.


However, the U.S. is no longer a country of sole European decendants (although that IS still the majority). The U.S. is more of a "Melting Pot," when it needs to be more of a "Salad Mixer." This country was based off of the cultures of many different people, but unfortunately, those same people sort of blended into the background, and we have a hard time accepting new ideals and cultures today, even though that is what American culture is based upon.


Yes I tried to correct myself a couple of posts up but think it failed.:D

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I think I deserve a vote for each 1000 american votes, at US elections. :P


The next time you post something like that, please preface it with:"ATTENTION! Hilarity ensues. Do not have a mouth full of water when reading this."

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