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Things about Oblivion that make you roll your eyes


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2) People lower than me that talk to me like their better than me , Eat midas magic a$Hole
Yeah, that gets a tad annoying, but hey, people don't have to like you simply cause you're better than they...people in real life hate their betters all the time. So while it is annoying, I can deal...I simply advance my speechcraft and personality if it really starts bugging me.
6) bad directions that result in being lost (Anyone with me?)
How do you get lost? they put an arrow right where you are needed to go...
7) Gate Weather, (Ever just walk through the forest and POOF! everything turns red and annoying)
I think it adds to the atmosphere of "holy hell...it's a gateway to hell!"
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I have a dark elf character who's face looks like clown paint compared to her body. I'm thinking about modding the face texture entirely.



I actually like Gate Weather. People may think it makes no sense that the weather only changes when your character gets near it. However, it works if you think that it doesn't really change at all, just your perception of it.

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YA i never liked the gate weather after my 500th time completing oblivion. Thats why i recently made a mod for it actually. Ranokoas UnOblivionized Gates. Takes away spawns and weather. Haven't tested it out yet though.. been too rapped up in modding.. Im sure it works, otherwise ill find out soon enough when i play again lol.


When I get done playing yet again the entire game, i simply use immersive mods and role play. ATM i just made a mod that only adds a livable tent ish area. So that's where i'll stay. And as my character becomes wealthier, ill just mod a few improvements and player.removeitem a few hundred septims :D. Immersion :D

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Ok I've got a new thing that bugs me: The entire Sneak system


What is this Sneak attack bonus nonsense?


It ALMOST makes sense for melee stuff. But I realized how totally artificial and awkward it was yesterday when using a bow.


If I'm shooting at a creature 100 yards away and it has no idea I'm there, what the hell difference does it make if I'm "Sneaking" or not?


If I crouch my damage goes up 300%, even if I hit it in the same place? What the hell?


If I run up behind someone and hit them in the back with my sword before they can react it DOESN'T do extra damage because I wasn't in sneak mode and they 'knew i was there'

WHAT THE HELL? I still stabbed them in their totally exposed back!


Speaking of which, I'd like sneak attacks better if I could actually assassinate people with it. Like, sneak up on a dude and stab him dead in one attack without his friends noticing, that sort of thing, instead of scoring a bit of extra damage before everyone breaks out the broadswords and warhammers.



Speaking of which, I'd like sneak attacks better if I could actually assassinate people with it. Like, sneak up on a dude and stab him dead in one attack without his friends noticing, that sort of thing, instead of scoring a bit of extra damage before everyone breaks out the broadswords and warhammers.
Isn't that part of the featurelist of Deadly Reflex mod? Or... I know that's part of the featurelist of one of the mods out there...pretty sure it is DR, but I could be wrong...


thieves arsenal improves sneaking as well, if i'm not mistaken. you even get a chance to hide again after you've been spotted, as long as the pc doesn't move and stays in the shadows.

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6) bad directions that result in being lost (Anyone with me?)
How do you get lost? they put an arrow right where you are needed to go...


I can't speak for HOlyCrapOfGod, but not everyone plays with the map markers on. I certainly don't use them.


7) Gate Weather, (Ever just walk through the forest and POOF! everything turns red and annoying)
I think it adds to the atmosphere of "holy hell...it's a gateway to hell!"


The problem with gate weather isn't that it's there, it's that you can't see those "hell weather pockets" before you're inside. Also, you can't see the clear/snowy/rainy/whatever normal weather outside of those "pockets", even if you're basically on the edge of it.

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I can't speak for HOlyCrapOfGod, but not everyone plays with the map markers on. I certainly don't use them.
Aye, I turn them off myself sometimes...but that's NOT the game creator's fault, that is your choice to purposefully break the game. :) AKA, if you are playing the game "correctly" then it is a null issue. Now if you feel there never should have been the arrow-where-you-need-to-go system then that's a completely different story. :)


7) Gate Weather, (Ever just walk through the forest and POOF! everything turns red and annoying)
I think it adds to the atmosphere of "holy hell...it's a gateway to hell!"
The problem with gate weather isn't that it's there, it's that you can't see those "hell weather pockets" before you're inside. Also, you can't see the clear/snowy/rainy/whatever normal weather outside of those "pockets", even if you're basically on the edge of it.
Ah yes, I can understand that. However I tend to think the changes aren't in the actual physical level, I think of the changes happening on a mental level. Though that might be my personal view on it...didn't ever think of it as a physical change of the world, I thought of it as hell reaching out and screwing with your mind. :unsure:
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Isn't that part of the featurelist of Deadly Reflex mod? Or... I know that's part of the featurelist of one of the mods out there...pretty sure it is DR, but I could be wrong...


Oh, I still play almost entirely vanilla. Have yet to get bored enough to do any really major modifications.


5) Long Pointless Quests


Well, you don't actually have to do them. Except for the main questline, of course, provided you want to finish the game. But then it's not really "pointless", so to speak.


7) Gate Weather, (Ever just walk through the forest and POOF! everything turns red and annoying)


I don't mind the Gate Weather itself, but what does get a bit silly is the way you are apparently expected to stop and gawk for a while every single time you find a gate, because it takes a while for the Gate Weather to kick in. Also, the weather follows you rather then being reserved for that specfic location.


That means I can find a gate but just keep riding because I can't be bothered closing it, and the weather is fine until a few hundred meters away where the sky suddenly turns red and thunder booms as I pass an innocent farm.


It would be better if the Gate Weather was actually localized around the actual Gates.

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Gates... Those damn Oblivion gates.

That is actually only thing that goes on my nerves.

Every time i need to go inside, close damn thing... Taking a morning stroll and what a suprise i have hell gate spawning on my head...


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Oh, I still play almost entirely vanilla. Have yet to get bored enough to do any really major modifications.
Ah...well, I put over 500 hrs into the 360 version (I'm quite positive Oblivion and Dead Rising are what red-ringed my first 360) and as soon as I learned about PC modding (I'm real late to the scene) and what it could do, I bought the PC version, and installed FCOM, RBP, LAME, Deadly Reflex, and Midas Magic. Have not regretted it...but then, i put so much time into what I call "super vanilla Oblivion" (without any of even the Unofficial Patches...) [that is to say, SVO = Console Oblivion, heh]. Deadly Reflex's "Stab 'em while they sleep" feature is incredibly brutal, and at times can really make you think "holy...do I REALLY wanna kill this guy/girl?"


Gates... Those damn Oblivion gates. Every time i need to go inside, close damn thing...
The only thing that could make me have to go inside those damn things was quests. I would refuse to go into the ones I didn't have to...that is, until Midas Magic came along. Now it's actually worthwhile to go into the damn things, as the reward can be quite great.


Hmmm...something that annoys me about Oblivion...ah, I know:

NonVanilla Annoyances: Mods that haven't been updated in years, and yet have so much unfulfilled promise.

'nilla Oblivion: Extreme levels of fugly on the characters. my friends and I still have nightmares about "You're the one from my dreams" being coupled with the up-close-and-personal zoom of the camera.

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It's annoying, and all red...

Well some plants are good for alchemy, but in general, only more or less useful things are those stones you get at closing. Good for starter enchanting.

Night eye is best :)

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