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Orrery DLC and other small DLCS


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Does anyone know where I could find a copy of the Orrery DLC or any of the other smaller DLCs that aren't included with the Steam GOTY edition? I know the deluxe edition has them but I'm not about to spend another $25 if i don't have to. Also I tried torrenting them but since I'm on my university's wifi it doesn't work.

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My advice (which of course you're perfectly free to take or leave as you wish) is this: If you want them, buy them. Support the owners of the game. Spend the money -- it'll just disappear out of your wallet somewhere else anyway.


Please don't torrent (i.e., steal) them! You know you can screw up your stuff, and you'll certainly screw up your Nexus account if you try to get help or even talk about it here. Read this by the Nexus owner.

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Yeah I totally understand, it's just I'm strapped for cash lately and I'm not totally sure how to save all my files if I totally redownload all the entire deluxe edition. I have my data and saves folders backed up but will that be enough?

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All of the DLC except for the Fighter's Stronghold is available on the Knights of the Nine retail disc, which you can find on Amazon or possibly at a used games store for maybe, what, $10 or so? Just remember to be attentive if you try to buy it online—I tried it recently and ended up with a European copy by mistake (I'm American).


As for the Fighter's Stronghold, I actually contacted Bethesda about it and they confirmed that, currently, the only way to purchase it legitimately is with the deluxe GOTY edition from Steam. So it's probably best if you just learn to live without that one for the time being.

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