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REQUEST FOR MOD: Someone to make prone animations (.TK FILE)


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  • 3 weeks later...

^Damned right, "up."


Some of the positions used in the Animated Prostitution mod are prone, so I don't see how it wouldn't be possible to use them elsewhere.


When I was trying to sneak up on the guards at Fort Bannister in FO3, all I could think was how lame it is that I can't crawl around in the prone position. Trying to hide behind the rocks outside the compound is incredibly difficult when the "Sneak" position is halfway between crouched and standing. Even being able move around on all-fours would have been an improvement. Of course, that's another position used with the Animated Prostitution mod...lol


I know the Fallout games aren't modern military shooters, but being able to crawl and lay prone would still greatly benefit the gameplay.


This needs to happen. Hopefully, there's a modder out there with the means to make it happen.

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My search is coming up empty of ."TK" files, and the animation files I'm finding have the ",KF" extension. Is that what you meant?

Either way, "TK" or "KF," sadly, I'm not versed at all in editing animation files. I've been looking around for tutorials, though.

I'm surprised that no one has bothered with this before. Still, given enough time, we'll get this done.


And then...we'll win this thing!


I feel it...


Do you feel it?

Edited by Jambo11
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