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Dalek Enemy


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After watching (too much infact) Doctor Who i was wondering about getting a Dalek Enemy into the game. If you've ever seen Doctor who, who doesn't love the Daleks? They're about the size of a human, they seem to drift across the ground when they move (or float). The head rotates around 360 degrees, on the front is the eye stock which moves up and down.






Random wikipedia stuff http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalek_variants


I found a model already, though it would have to be fixed up for gibs and it's completely unrigged. I tried to rig it myself, but i haven't been able to get any model program to work right (Scripting error with blender, 3ds not working at all..) You wouldn't have to make a new mesh, but it would still be a bit of work editing this old one. This is just an option opposed to making a new model from scratch.

It's in .3ds format



Now in terms of the model and rigging there isn't much i can really contribute. However I can help with Texturing and sound, not that that counts for too much..

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