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first time modding help with free to use programs.


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Hi just started modding and need some help. was just wondering if anyone could give me links to free to use modding tutorials.

the programs i have are blender, gimp, nifskope, the creation kit and the fo3 archives.

if its any help im just looking at weapons and can make a sword in blender but once i have the shape of the sword down im lost.

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Hey! Welcome to the Nexus :smile: This link might help for tutorials on Blender and getting your stuff into the game: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/category/40-3d-craftworks/

Oh, and this: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials

and this: http://www.creationkit.com/Retexture_Tutorial




first link is usless because they expect you to have modding experience in TES games.

second one is usless thats for making new stuff out of whats already in the game.

third one is usless because thats for retexturing stuff already in the game.


im trying to make my own sword and put that in the game not use a model that is already there.

i have blender and i have a sword but the uv maps come out like crap and i have no idea what to use to textur them or the sword model its self.

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Hey! Welcome to the Nexus :smile: This link might help for tutorials on Blender and getting your stuff into the game: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/category/40-3d-craftworks/

Oh, and this: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials

and this: http://www.creationkit.com/Retexture_Tutorial




first link is usless

second one is usless

third one is usless


I can tell you're going to be a load of fun to have around...


The tutorials he listed all have parts in them that you would need, even if the whole thing isn't all relevant.

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Hey! Welcome to the Nexus :smile: This link might help for tutorials on Blender and getting your stuff into the game: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/category/40-3d-craftworks/

Oh, and this: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials

and this: http://www.creationkit.com/Retexture_Tutorial




first link is usless

second one is usless

third one is usless


I can tell you're going to be a load of fun to have around...


The tutorials he listed all have parts in them that you would need, even if the whole thing isn't all relevant.




hey thanks for quoting half of what i said

the third and second dont do what i need

and first is for more exprienced modders then myself


like i said in my first post i can make a sword in the blender just the sword, no colour, no textures, nothing.

im a noob and have no idea what half of the stuff the first link wants me to do.

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so can anyone here point me to a tutorial that shows me how to make a mod from scratch and for free?

i can get this far in blender and no farther


and i did all that by moving and shaping the square that you have on a new blender file.

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Well, you can try here, here and here.


Or you can follow this... Yeah, yeah it isnt blender... that doesnt take away that its a bloody good tutorial. Just google the blender equivalent of every step. That's why a pause button is so useful! =)




And there's also two additional tut's in my sig under usefull links > Skyrim

Edited by Urwy
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Well, you can try here, here and here.


Or you can follow this... Yeah, yeah it isnt blender... that doesnt take away that its a bloody good tutorial. Just google the blender equivalent of every step. That's why a pause button is so useful! =)




And there's also two additional tut's in my sig under usefull links > Skyrim



some of that looks like it could be of great help.

also is my unwraped suppose to look like this?


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That could be usable, yes. If you join all objects into one object it'll easier to fit everything onto a single texture. Alternatively you could keep the different parts of the sword as separate objects and use multiple textures, one for each object. (Blade, hilt and scabbard for example)


Do make sure you create a new image with the right dimension before you unwrap though. (something like 1024x512 for the blade for example. (width x height) or anything else that can be used optimally) In the UV/image editor click Image > New and then just input the dimensions. Because the UV's will save their position, size and whatnot relative to the image size. So unwrapping them on an image that is 1024x1024 and then assigning a texture that is 512x10242 (Half as high) will scale the UV's down by 50% in height.

Edited by Urwy
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That could be usable, yes. If you join all objects into one object it'll easier to fit everything onto a single texture. Alternatively you could keep the different parts of the sword as separate objects and use multiple textures, one for each object. (Blade, hilt and scabbard for example)


Do make sure you create a new image with the right dimension before you unwrap though. (something like 1024x512 for the blade for example. (width x height) or anything else that can be used optimally) In the UV/image editor click Image > New and then just input the dimensions. Because the UV's will save their position, size and whatnot relative to the image size. So unwrapping them on an image that is 1024x1024 and then assigning a texture that is 512x10242 (Half as high) will scale the UV's down by 50% in height.



ok i got an updated blender (2.60) and marked seams at the end of the blade and start of the handle so it goes blade|hilt|handle

and i got this



now all i have to do is make the blood object(just the blade) the scat object(again just the blade if your lazy) and the export the uv map as a png then texture with gimp. with gimp i texture and save in .dds format and put the objects in to a mesh folder in my data main folder and the .dds's in the texture folder equivalent of my mesh folder.


is all the correct? or do the objects have to be saved in nifskope as a .nif?

ok exported the sword as a .obj and opened it in nifskope 1.1.0 rc4 it opened up fine nothing out of place, no warnings, perfect.

i then exported a uv template from nif and saved it as a .tga


i texture the tga and save as a .dds and make two more ones my glow ones my light so on and so forth , i make a blood and scabbard .obj and save the blade, scab, and blood as nif's the the nif's go in my data/mesh/weapon/"name of sword"

and the dds files go in the texture version of this folder.


all this is correct, right?


after that its off to the skyrim CK to add weapon values and what not.

Edited by kylemk16
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