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Dual-Wield Mod, allready done?


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THere well should be! On oblivion they had amazing mods, Deadly Reflex being one. Too bad though, was hoping to be a lil gangsta on it :)
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  • 4 weeks later...
İmpossible to do ha? Seriously? Some people needs to see InvalidFate's awesome NV mod page. That impossibility problem must be your own lack of talent. Some guys like Riven or InvalidFate capable to do things far beyond your imagination. After he show the dual smg video what can you say man? XD or just watch the horse video... That guy is a proof for nothing is imposible motto :D Edited by ValkynazRocks
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  • 4 years later...



Besides, of all the things that even might qualify, attempting to recreate the lobby scene of the first Matrix is probably one of the most enormous wastes of resources possible. Wasteland survival is all about efficiency, not BALLS TO THE WALL ACTION.


Even ignoring that aesthetic perspective-- they called it. The game is specifically built for use of one weapon at a time, and even if you could manage to put a second gun in the other hand, it'd be little more than eye candy-- assuming the animations didn't eventually screw things up.


Duel Wielding, like Multiplayer, will never, ever happen in Fallout 3.

...Multiplayer has happened.

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