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Unique Landscapes Issue


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I'm on XP Home Edition, and the only other time I have this problem (that I know of, it's not often that I reopen a Mod to put something on it, other than CM Companions(which works)) is when opening UL's.


I know it's not just me being stupid because there's the area with the rockslide that I always use to get my bearings in-game (since I want to build the Mod slightly South-Southwest of there), but it just doesn't show up...


(Also, I like parentheses)

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Try this:


Open the CS and load "xulPatch_AY_AC.esp". You don't need to set it as an active file.


In the Cell View form, select "Tamriel" as the World Space.


Sort by location and find coordinates 22,20. The editor ID will be "Wilderness".


Double-click on that.


The render window should show you an overhead view of a bridge spanning a small north/south creek. If it does, then the CS is properly displaying a UL area. If there is no bridge or creek, then UL is not being displayed. I'm trying to isolate the problem with this process. Let me know how it goes.

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It's hard to see features like a pile of rocks in the render window of the CS. The engine doesn't draw the smaller rocks until you are fairly close to them. Perhaps you could find the location in-game, get the reference number of a nearby rock or tree then locate the object in the CS.
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