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Immersive "Have your Own Child"-Mod


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So I know there are already two mods out there but none of them are really immersive. And by immersive I don't mean realistic, in fact these two words are probably the opposite of each other. By immersive I mean "It looks like it could've been in the main game". Skyrim itself, without mods doesn't have sex in it. It doesn't have menstruation or sperm or anything like that and I don't want that either, it's making stuff complicated - as if it wasn't complicated enough in Real Life. What I would like is the following and I hope there are people who read this and agree with me - and probably even someone willing to put time and effort in an idea like this?

Lover's Comfort: With my mod idea, when it's evening you would be able to tell your spouse (and your spouse only) "Come, it's time to go to bed" or something like that. The spouse will then lay down in the home's double bed and you can just activate the empty bedside and decide how long you want to sleep. Then and only then the lovers comfort would be applied.

Chance for Pregnancy: Based on a chance that should be around 5 - 15% (should be changeable via mod configuration menu or menu spell for those without skyUI) you, the female player character, or your female spouse (if you are male) could get pregnant.


Informations: During the pregnancy you would be informed about its stage via some notifications like "Am I eating too much? I feel bigger" or "I think I might be pregnant". If your spouse is pregnant it would be the same just as "My love looks somewhat rounder recently" or "Might my love be pregnant?" or something like that.


Potion Makers: Alternatively you could also go to any potion makers / sellers in game or to olava the feeble to have them find out if you or your spouse is pregnant or not. It would cost you something, of course. Olava the feeble could be cheaper but less reliant since she's only a fortune teller. If you answer the NPC "Oh no, I'm not ready for that yet!" She could sell you a potion which would end pregnancy immediately - without notifications or anything. Since it's magic it could be used anytime during pregnancy. You'd have to trade it to your spouse if you wanted her pregnancy to end. This is meant as an "Oops, I forgot to set pregnancy chances on 0% for this character" solution.


Parental Bonus: As soon as you know that you or your spouse is pregnant (either by notification or by an NPC telling you) you could have a parental boost bonus which would increase your health and stamina (you're so proud that you have energy to pull out trees!) and give you the well rested bonus whenever you sleep, independent of the actual time you sleep. This is just an idea though, could be made entirely different.

Day of Birth: At the day of the pregnancy end you would get a notification like "This is the day, I think I (or she in case of spouse) should rest for a while". When you sleep the next time after you wake up there's a child in front of you (or if it's your spouse that is pregnant she would just lay down for a while and then the child would spawn next to her) and your spouse jumps into dialogue with "I'm so happy!" You could then ask her "What should we name him / her?" And she would say "You pick" and let you write down a name within the dialogue menu.

After that, the child would pretty much act like an adopted child.


Aging: It could also age up though. It could stay a child for a long time untill it reaches teenager years which would make it an adult at 50% size of the parent. It could be either a copy of one of the parent's genes or a mixture, whatever is easier to code. It would still have child voice and grow in stages (60%, 65%, 70%) untill it reaches about 80 - 90% of the original player character size. Then it would get a random adult voice and act as a follower. It would still sleep in the childhood bed if possible and the home would still be the place where you gave birth to it.

Modding: The mod should not require any other mods. No framework, skeletons, FNIS or anything except maybe for SkyUI with an alternative spell menu. There would be no adult scenes, just going to bed. There would be no stupid sounds playing or anything. The mod should not be about sex but about having your own child in Skyrim.

You would be able to set how long the pregnancy as well as the different age stages last via mod configuration menu or menu spell.


So that's my Idea, I hope some people like the "less sex more child" approach here and support this idea or even make it into a real mod - because I seriously can't. I just don't know what I'm doing at all :D


What's that game "Real Life" you talk about? I haven't heard of it :/



BTW, so your idea is to implement the principles of Sims "have-a-baby-system" into Skyrim?


1.- Ñiqui-ñiqui censured

2- Mom is crazy OMG, she wants ice-cream

3.- Suddenly she has to give birth!

4.- You have a very ugly baby (I believe that, if you want immersion in this mod, you need a skeleton/texture and so on for the baby, you know before they become an ugly vanilla skyrim child) <- and sound? (you know, babies cry, that is their voice to the world, you can't just avoid it)

5.- Procceed with the Adopt a Child Vanilla thing.


*You could add a continous system that let the child grow into a young man and then an adult but the main character should become an old man in that process and so on... But that is too much like Sims and s#*&#33;





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