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Diablo-Style Item Progression?


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Hello everyone,

I don't know if I'm the only person who feels that way but usually, my Skyrim Playthroughs look like this:

Level 1-20: Gear changes rapidly, chests often contain usefull stuff

Level 20-30: Start to use smithing skill to produce armor. Chests rarely contain anything useful at all. Gold is no issue anymore.

Level 30+: Smithing skill allows for epic-quality armor. You won't find anything better ANYWHERE, including merchants. Gold is worthless. You effectivly have "hit the cap" of what's possible.

... and this compares to:

Level 1-20: Intro quests, some side quests

Level 20-30: Main quest

Level 30+: Main quest done

Now I have several problems with that:

When I stop finding useful items in chests, the game increasingly becomes less interesting.

When I reach "perfect equipment", my motivation ususally drops to zero.

I never played any of Skyrims Add-Ons because I'm usually "done" when the main quest is over.

According to the "law of 3 golden L's" (Lynch, Level, Loot), this is rather poor. Isn't there a mod which introduces a proper "item progression" such as in Diablo for example, where each and every item has hundreds of randomly generated variations, level requirements, and various magic effects, such that no matter how far you are in the game, you can still find BETTER equips to make adventuring worthwile?

Edited by Alan47
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