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Creating a custom race NPC


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How would I properly go about creating a NPC that is a Mystic Elf? When i go to open the esm and esp's, I select Oblivion.esm to be the active file, but when I hit OK, it says that no active file selected, continue? It will always say this no matter how many times I select the main esm to be the active/main file. Any help would be appreciated.
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I'm guessing you're using CM Partners. If you are going to use a custom race, get TES4Gecko (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8665) and convert the Mystic Elf esp to an esm. Once it's converted, you can delete the esp from the data folder (otherwise you'll have two instances of Mystic Elves if you do a char gen). When you load up CM Partners, remember to also select the Mystic Elf esm. The race should appear in the drop down in the NPC form.
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