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Game crashing while in-weapon PipBoy menu.


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Hello! As the title says, my game's crashing when I'm entering the PipBoy menu... this happens only when Mission Mojave Ultimate Edition mod is de-activated... MMUE lags the game, and I don't like it like that, and that's why I de-activated it... PLEASE HELP :sad:

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I get that too sometimes ... but I don't have MMUE installed I use YUP ... hmm It first started when I was on a bounty mission & I wanted to fast travel to the jail, it also occurred the second time, same reason so I thought it was quest related, I used NVEC so bounties is included & I was/am so far in with my current build that I was not going to remove it without causing damage to my build/saves. so my work around was to use a transporter device I got thru the underground hideout mod (hotkeyed) teleport home (default) then teleport to jail (custom) so I would never have to iopen up my pipboy and risk a CTD.


...but it happened again last night while I was trying to finish the sierra madre dlc....


sorry about digressing ...but, I'm curious for a solution for this too

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Just a thought. Might or might not help. With MMUE still enabled, dump *all* of your gear into a container. That includes everything in your inventory and everything that you have equipped. Save the game at that point. Exit the game and disable MMUE. Restart the game and load that saved game. Grab your stuff from that container, and see if you can continue from there. If the game crashes while taking everything at once, then reload that save and try taking the items one-by-one and note which item(s) cause a crash and then don't take them next time.


If you crash when opening the container without taking anything, then start over with MMUE activated again. Drop everything on the ground instead of inside a container, save the game, exit and disable MMUE, reload, and then by trial-and-error determine which items you can safely pick up and leave the others alone.



EDIT: remove weapon attachments from weapons before beginning.

Edited by Athelbras
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It'll be a weapon with weapon mods attached that crashes the game, and even highlighting it in a menu will cause the crash. Bonus points: it probably has nothing to do with MMUE.



If you use a weapon mod-mod, such as WMX or WME: DO NOT remove any of its plugins or change any of their positions in your load order (for example, by removing a plugin higher in it) unless you start a new game. Doing so will cause any weapons with attachments from that mod to point to invalid data and crash the game when it tries to display the attached mods when you highlight it in a menu.



In order to recover from such a mistake: open the console and enter player.inv to list everything you are carrying and associated FormIDs. It will be much easier to sift through if you drop everything else but weapons first. For any weapon that has weapon mods attached, delete it with player.removeitem xxxxxxxx 1 (where xxxxxxxx is the FormID shown by the INV function).


Depending on what you removed that caused WMX/WME/Whatever to change position in your load order, you may also try creating a dummy plugin in the GECK by loading FalloutNV.esm and saving with no changes. Move this plugin to the position whatever you deleted once had.

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@ Luthienanarion


The game appears to be more dynamic and resilient than you suggest. I use MMUE as well as WMX. Removing MMUE and its compatibility patches from my load order, thereby forcing WMX several steps higher (i.e. causing it to have a different load index), does not create issues with my existing saves. Weapons and attachments continue to work correctly even though their load order index changes.


The steps that I suggested to Chypsyan have been known to resolve issues bearing the symptoms he described, regardless of the mod at fault or the particular type of item; albeit at the risk of the culprit(s) having to be discarded. Although admittedly it sidesteps the underlying issue, rather than properly remedies. <shrug> Perhaps the idea won't have merit; seemed worth mentioning in case it might.

Edited by Athelbras
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