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having problems with this enb says ''error 1 bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini''


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  • 1 month later...


Seems that we have a lot of Genius! So... "Error! bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 is not set" means that bFloatPointRenderTarget is set to 0 in SkyrimPrefs.ini? REAAAALLY? WOW! we couldn't figured that!


I have the same matter, and, like ArabWarFighter, I can read and understand the message correctly... my bFloatPointRenderTarget -like his one- is set to 1, but still remains the message. Do you all think that we could be discussing this issue here if the solution were sooooo simple like to change a simple number in an .ini file? If you really don't know the solution, just don't insult user's intelligence, please.

OK so i guess another insult...Are you editing the correct Skyrimprefs .ini ?...see i have helped more then one person with this bit of info...Their are 2 Files, ONE is in the Skyrim \Skyrim Folder the other is in the my docs folder. you have to edit the my docs one.....so..have a look and see that indeed their are 2 files...


....:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Skyrim<<<<<do not edit the Skyrimprefs.ini in this folder

.....:\Users\"your user name"\Documents\My Games\Skyrim <<<<<<<<<this is where everyone BUT MO (Mod Orginizer) users will find the correct file.

MO users, your SkyrimPrefs file is in the ModOrganizer\profiles\profilename folder


Don't think anyone here intends to insult, we try to help, not all users understand all this.


Hey i follow your guide and change in my normal pref.ini and in MO now when i play the game the text won't pop up anymore but another text said some program are antilizing or something to the game and that some function are disable then the problem is the same with "bfloatpointrendertarget". Im a noob and this maybe a stupid question but do you or anyone have an idea how to fix this

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