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UT3 Necris Armor.


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Hi all!

I was asking if someone could make this armor for FO3:




It's the Necris Armor from UT3.


I already found a Necris Armor mod, it really is excellent... but i'd like an armor more similar to the screenshot's one.


Please i've been looking for this for 2 months...




PS: Giorgio_Banane i need your armor XD

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That one won't work in fallout. it's too big so the entire body would have to be redone. A straight conversion just wouldn't work. and making it fit the proportions of the fallout skeleton would just not work. sorry man but that one is just a bit too complicated.
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Well someone already did...

Giorgio_Banane, on the Nexus Fallout Mod Site uploaded some images with that armor... So someone already did it...

It seems that he isnt online since some weeks so i'm asking if someone has it..

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=6711 = Proof that Giorgio_Banane has it.




EDIT: Giorgio_Banane sent me the link of the Armor. Close this topic please ^^ Thanks all

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