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Burnt books, put them to use please?


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A few ideas:


1. compost - mix together burnt paper, dirty water, and maybe some bloatfly meat and you get a fertilizing agent that sells for a decent amount. Its used by farmers to make a sort of primitive potting soil.


2. Literacy reclamation foundation - A lone schoolteacher is trying to get some decent materials to start a school, she buys burnt or ruined books and sifts through the pages to collect the unruined parts. Even a few odd sentences here and there are good. She also teaches her students 'home economics' which basically consists of them making primitive weapons, sewing up cheap outfits, catching animals in snares, or scrounging for stuff in the wastes. For every few books you bring in you get a random item.


3. Throwables - You throw the book at your enemies... literally. Maybe a gove that acts like a cheap limited Rock-it-launcher that throws burned books.


4. Explosives - maybe there is a way to make frag grenades out of bullets, a tin can, and paper mixed with turpentine.

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