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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Ok, the main goal of this mod is to create a beacon of hope in this desolate wasteland of despair that we call Washington D.C. The idea is to create a town that through your good deeds, can thrive and succeed as a society in a world full of thieves and barbarians.


This is not going to be a simple one dimensional town like Megaton or Rivet City, where the town is exactly the same day one as it is when you return from activating the water purifier at Project Purity. This town will grow as you progress through the game, you will get to know the people in the town, and maybe even find that special girl you want to marry. Through your good deeds the people will praise you accomplishments and the worn down buildings of the town can be repaired to their former glory.


The idea is not to have some kind of gameplay element that you play through all at once. I want this to be kind of a pit stop that you take after you day of adventures in the Wasteland. A place that you come home to and talk to a few people, collect your crops, drop off some loot, get a good night sleep, have your girlfriend bring you breakfast, and then head back out to another day in the Wasteland. As opposed to just expanding the game by giving you more quests to do, I want to improve the existing game by giving you something worth fighting for and protecting. I want to give you people that you will want to save and that will be eternally grateful to you if you do.


I really just want to get rid of the disconnected feeling of being a "Lone Wanderer" and give you a home that will actually make you feel at home in the Wasteland.



Here is what this mod will include



The Exterior


- A town with 12 new buildings. 8 or which will be new meshes and 4 of which will be used twice. New textures for all of the buildings. A new wall texture and mesh to be built around the town. New clutter items to decorate the exterior of the town.


- Each exterior piece will include between 3 and 5 different versions, each with an increased amount of damage. Some of this will be done only through texture, but some will be done through new meshes as well.


- A system that allows you to gain points toward repairing either individual buildings or items, or the town as a whole. Each time you gain enough points, the old, more damaged item will be replaced with the less damaged variant, up until it is in its top condition.


The Farm


- New vegetable, flower, and other plant models, some with various growing stages, while others will just use different scale when they grow


- Seeds that can be found around the wasteland or you buy them from the town shop


- Pre-placed plots that will allow you to place the seed inside, which will grow into a plant you can pick within a certain number of days


- You can use vegetables to eat, sell, or trade, and flowers to stay as decoration or give to people as gifts or sell


- It isn't plants, but you will also be given the ability to raise brahmin and get milk that increases in quality as long as you take care of them


- Taking care of plants will only require you to hit the switch next to the water system in the morning, and taking care of brahmin is as simple as hitting the switch next to the feed station


The Interior


- Fully finished interiors for all of the houses, navmeshed and companion friendly


- New furniture and clutter items, as well as new wall and carpet textures, to give each house a more personal feel than the generic ones in the vanilla game


- The ability to purchase upgrade items for you personal house or to give items others can put in their houses


The Player's Home


- A fully custom house with plenty of room to buy upgrades and decorations.


- When you buy upgrades you will get stats added to you well rested bonus, no need to actually use you weight bench or bathtub, just sleep in you house and you will get the points.


- Extra space for the npc you marry to put their things


- An extra room for a kid (though I am not adding the ability to have a kid in the initial release, maybe in the future)


The People


- 22 new npcs with full dialogue and voice acting


- A complex system of interconnecting dialogue that will have things one npc may say to you open options of stuff you can say to other npcs


The Relationships


- 5 girls and 3 guys you can have a relationship with. 2 of the girls will be bisexual as well as 1 of the guys, to accommodate guys that play as girls and girls that play as guys or whatever.


- A system that lets you gain points with these npcs that you can get through talking to them, giving them gifts, or doing small quests to help them out.


- Each time you reach a certain number of points it will move the relationship forward, having 4 different stages. Acquaintance, Friend, Dating, In Love


- The ability to take them out on dates. Get them drunk at the bar, go swimming, go visit Oasis, or whatever else cool I can think of.


- The option to have sex or move in and get married to the npc after getting to the 'In Love' stage of the relationship


The Shops


- 8 shops that allow you to donate you unneeded items in order to help them expand and get rare items and free stuff from them later on




- Various ways of expanding the towns defenses. You can repair robots, train Yao Gui, or just give whatever badass yet unneeded equipment you have to the town guards (such as the two T-51bs I never use because I have a stealth character)


- The town will be attacked from time to time, but you will be called on your radio in time to return when big attacks happen



This is what I can do to make this mod a reality



What I plan on doing for this mod is mostly building things in 3Ds Max and making textures. I am currently working on the exterior buildings, and when I am done with that I will move on to making new decorations for the outside of the town, and then move my way in, making new textures, furniture, and clutter for each house. The main goal is to create unique items that will give this town a more unique and civilized feel than the rest of the Wasteland.


The stuff is not going to be new or anything crazy like that, I am just going to go for an old, worn, but actually taken care of stuff, as opposed to stuff that looks like it belongs in a trash dump somewhere. The people of the town just happen to respect their property and take care of it more than you common raider or super mutant. Lots of patches and stuff, from where the people have tried to keep their falling apart furniture in one piece.


I will be making the different variations on certain pieces, as well as upgraded furniture and items you can get for your home later on.


After I am done with this I will begin setting the town up in the GECK both the interiors and exteriors. I am also going to be adding chairs that will only be used by certain npcs, as a way to avoid the clipping problem when I change the height of npcs.


I will also create the looks and adjust the heights of the npcs to better fit the personality of the characters.


Once I finish this I will turn my attention on to helping complete the dialogue



I will be honest, I am not really a very experienced modder, I am still learning the ins and outs of 3Ds Max, and the only mod I have ever made before was "A Good Hairday"




I have been using 3Ds Max for about 5 months now, and have just now gotten into texturing. You can look at my photobucket page if you are interested in seeing what I can do





But I am taking my time on this mod, and learning what I have to as things move along.



I also wright stories, create characters, draw concept art, make layouts and blueprints of buildings and the overall town, and come up with crazy ideas in general. But I decided to save that till the very last, as to not sound like one of those crazy noobs that comes along saying "Hey, I can wright a story and come up with characters and organize a mod if you guys will go do all the real work for me." But in all seriousness, I have done writing and stuff as a hobby for quite some time, and have already done a lot as far as character development and such for this mod. If you just read this page you will see the amount of work I have done to get this thing all planned out and ready to build on.


I have always believed that a mod without a clear vision and purpose will struggle much more than a mod with a straight forward plan and a solid blueprint.



What other people can do to help me out



First of all, I am the kind of person that doesn't really like to rely on other people to get stuff done for me. Anything that I can do, I am going to be doing. And if I don't know how to do it, I will damn well figure it out. If I have to I will do the whole thing myself.


But that is not going to be very practical time wise, since I assume people will want this to be done as soon as possible. So I will start by doing what I know how to do, and hope that by the time my town starts coming together and things start looking good, more people who know how to do scripting and stuff will come along and help me finish out.


Like I said before, I am mostly just good at 3Ds Max and Photoshop, I can work the GECK, but I have little experience and am slow. So any help in the area of getting this stuff to work inside the GECK would be incredibly helpful. What I need most is someone that can get the shops and stuff running, and someone who can get the plants to grow


But I really don't expect many people to hop on board while I still have so little progress to show. I am really just putting this up here for future reasons. Once I get this town built as a good solid foundation for the mod, and can actually show that I can provide my part, then I will start actively looking for help


Quetzlsacatanango is already helping me out a lot a whole lot, making dialogue for the npcs and stuff. He has got a good start to the npc relationships and has got what one npc says open up options when talking to other npcs and much more. He would probably have a lot more done if I wasn't so slow at getting this town built, because right now I haven't given him proper locations to work with to do much other than dialogue. He is also helping with the quests for my mod.



But anyways, I will also be takeing all of the help I can get with the dialogue. I can write dialogue, but there are several hundreds of lines that need done, and that is just too much for any one person to do. So please volunteer to do just a few lines of diaolgue to help me out.






But other than just modders, I still like all the brainstorming help I can get. No skills required. I don't really need any more ideas that expand the scope of this mod, because this mod is already huge. But any help with getting the specifics of this mod narrowed down would be great. I mean stuff like how different stuff like the shop system should work, or what kind of stuff you should get as a reward. Or anything involving characters and back story. Also, stuff like what kind of decorations/clutter you would like to see would be great.

And I still like any and all pictures people can send me showing what kind of houses or furniture and stuff I should put into the mod.


Or you can simply just read my topic and tell me what you like and what you think sucks, that is always helpful.



Quests and other add on stuff



Ok, so I have mentioned exactly what I am going to do with this mod, and everything that I plan on including. But you may have noticed by now, there are no sort of cool quests for you to complete.


This is because making quests is an area that I know pretty much nothing about. I don't feel like I am qualified to be in charge of such an area, and taking on the responsibility of quests would make it even harder for me to get this whole thing finished and released. I may be ambitious, maybe even a bit too ambitious, but I am not crazy (ok, maybe just a little, but not crazy enough to take on making quests as well)


So here is what I plan on doing. I will get this town done, and anyone who is interested can build their own quests and adventures on top of my foundation. They can be their own boss, work however they want, and put their quest on its own page where they can get the credit they deserve for making it. The only rule I will have is that you can't upload my textures and meshes to your mod.


I can also bundle it with my mod if you would prefer that, but I figured more people would like to get credit for the add-on they did for my mod.


So I personally will not be working on any quests, but I will support anyone who wants to use my town for quests and such. I can even help you out by providing textures and meshes if you need them (if I make them for your quest you will have 100% permission to use those particular items for any purposes you choose, since I have given them to you, even if it is for mods not involving my stuff in any way. As long make a quest for me the item is as good as yours)


I will leave 2 broken down houses and 2 empty lots for people who want to use that space for something relating to their quest. If you want to set up a shop, a home for runaway slaves, an orphanage, a npcs house, or whatever, these spots are open for that. I can even build them for you if you like.



And finally, what I plan to do after the initial release of this mod



So, when I do finally get this whole thing finished and released onto the Nexus, I don't plan on stopping there. I still have a ton of other stuff I want to pull off.


All of this would be add-ons to the original file. These are just in the order they came to my head, I don't know what order they will get done in.



1. I want to add about 20 new hairstyles to this mod. 2 for each of the girls you can date and 1 for each of the guys (since guys rarely change their hair). The rest would be for the Player Character to have, even including some cool hair for guys, since they have been left out of most hair mods.


However, the hair will not be available through the race menu at the beginning of the game or through standard barbers. The main hairstyle for each girl will be completely exclusive to them. The rest of the hair will be available through my barber shop. I plan on working out a system that will let you earn different hair through helping out the barber and such. These hairstyles would come in the form of items, cards with the picture of the hairstyle to be exact. You would pick them up off the shelf in the barber shop and take it to the barber to get that hairstyle.


I also want the girls to be able to change hair from time to time and for dates, as well as give you the ability to give them hair cards that they can use.


I am not 100% sure on the programming possibility of this, but it seems to me like a workable solution to the fact that you can't really earn hair that goes into the race menu screen. I figured it can work like the way you get your hair replaced in Point Lookout.



2. I want to create a bunch of new outfits for the town. I will have 3 for each girl, that can only be used by them, I will explain why later, and 2 for each guy. I will also probably give the mayor and some other people in the town some custom stuff, but maybe it will just be re-textures, who knows. But I will also make some cool custom stuff for you to earn for helping out the blacksmith and the general store.


If I feel ambitious maybe even a new Power Armor based off of an old pre-war blueprint that was just about to enter production stage when the bomb went off. You could get the blueprint somehow and then have the blacksmith and town mechanic work together to build it for you.



3. The reason the girls outfits would have to be 100% exclusive to them, is because I want to make custom body meshes for each one of them. I want to create a unique figure that will fit the character. I will also be making custom underwear for each one, and making sure I do everything possible to bring attention to the uniqueness of each figure. The same will go for the custom outfits I make for each of them. I will also be needing to make swimwear for when they go swimming in the town pond.


I will also probably have an outfit or 2 that you can give as a gift. I would have to make a version to fit to each mesh and you would only be able to get one version of it.



4. I want to create the ability to have each of the relationship characters as a companion. Each one would have a custom set of skills to help you out, most of which would not be just shooting your enemies. One would be able to heal you while others can repair stuff or summon animals to help and such. I will list the specifics in the character section in the post below.



5. I want to make a model for a mutated horse creature, if someone would be able to get the thing ride-able. Then I would let you raise them on your farm and use them as transportation around the Wasteland.



6. I want to make some wasteland chickens and a centisheep, which is a wasteland sheep that has a body between 4 and 8 foot long and have about 12 legs. Think centipede combined with a sheep. You would be able to raise these like the brahmin.



7. I want to get my M-41 Walker Bulldog Light Tank into the game, and either make it driveable, or just set it up as a sentry that will patrol around the wall and shoot enemies





Well, I would like to thank anyone who actualy read through my huge wall of text. If you have read this far, I know it is a lot of stuff, but I am ready to go all out on getting this mod done, and I have done everything I can possibly do to get it off to a good start.


If you have read this far, and like what I am doing, please post on here, I just like knowing that people are actually interested in what I am doing here.


Up next is going to be another huge wall of text, writen by me. The next post is going to be all of the Character, backstory, and town information I have come up with so far. It will include character names, bios, history, the buildings and what will be included in each. I also might be adding some blueprints, screenshots, and concept art.


I plan on updateing the next post on a regular bases as things move along, that way people won't have to search through the entire topic to see exactly what is going on.


but anyways, thank you and have a good day

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Ok, so now that I have gone through and bored you with all the goals for this mod, it is time to get down to the details of what I have come up with so far.


I will be updating this post right here on a regular basis, so if you don't want to read through all the pages of talk and brainstorming, you can just read this right here and see what I have updated so far.


Any of this is subject to change, so feel free to share your opinions on what you like and don't like. I am always open to suggestions and such.




Tavern -


The tavern will be a major meeting place in the town. Almost all of the visitors stick around the Tavern all the time. Lee and Karen both work there. You will be able to have a date at the bar as well. It is a lot more busy at night than during the day. It is closed from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. You can help out the bar by supplying liquor you find in the wasteland as well as irradiated grapebean pods you grow, in return you will get information about locations and quests and the tavern will get repaired.


General Store -


The general store sells most everything that is not sold at the other stores. The specialty is non armor clothes. Sage runs the general store. You can bring in clothes from around the wasteland and wool from cintisheep, in return you get expanded inventory and rare clothing custom made for this mod. The general store will have an add on room or 2 that it gets after you help out enough. Possible quests.


Mayor's House -


The mayor and family live there. You can come and talk to the mayor about donating money to the town, or just get information on the state of the town, or get quests that they mayor may have for you. It is already mostly repaired.


Barber Shop -


Gorplog the super mutant runs the barber shop and lives in the back room. It really isn't a "barber" shop, considering more females come to it than males, but Gorplog doesn't really care. You can get custom haircuts made just for this mod here.


Medicine Shop -


The crazy old lady Helena Ryder and her two grand kids live here. Helena has taken way too much of her own "medicine" and is totally burnt out. You can bring in food from your farm and flowers and she will make herbal stimpaks and other status healing or boosting products. She grow hallucinogenic drugs in the secret back room.


Barracks -


The Barracks are attached to the wall of the town, right next to the town gate. It hold the armory as well as a training room and a round table for meetings. Franklin, Austin, Kaylee, Jeremiah, and Sherman can be found there at various times. Kaylee has a secret room that was her parents, hidden behind the ammo shelf in the armory. You can give weapons and ammo to the guards, as well as fix turrets to go onto the gate and the protectrons that are broken down.


Bakery -


Everyone in the town is constantly eating at the bakery. Jennifer runs the bakery and lives in the back room. You can bring in food from the wasteland or from your farm and in return she will make you food that heals you more and gives you special attributes.


Shelling Ranch -


The Shelling family lives and runs the ranch. They are the only other people in the town that produce food. You can buy seeds and animals from them.


Carpenter -


Jeremiah Dixon is one of the only people left in the wasteland that is a trained carpenter. He builds furniture as well as repairing the houses around the town. If you want to upgrade your house, he is the person to go to.


Blacksmith -


You can bring in all of your metal objects and have them melted into more usable ammo or weapons or armor. Rick and his family live in the same building. If you bring in enough metal stuff he can make custom armors and repair your stuff to 100%


Library -


You can buy books if you have a bookshelf in you home. You can also get your electronics repaired my Emma. You can help out the library by providing your stories to use for books Emma writes. The only problem in very few people can actually read. That is why Emma spends most of her time repairing electronics.

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Your Home



When you first reach the town the gate is locked and you can't come in. You have to talk to the guard on duty to talk them into letting you into the town. If you have good karma they will let you in, otherwise you will have to persuade them with speech or black widow or lady killer.


Once you enter the town, the mayor will walk up to you and tell you about the town. He will tell you about a quest that needs done, and offer you a home in the town if you complete it.


- You will get the house in poor condition

- You start out with no plants or animals

- The barn for the animals must be built before you can buy animals

- The house will be almost empty except the bed

- You can help out the carpenter or pay him to fix up your house

- The house will have 3 stages, and then you can build on a garage

- After building on the garage there will be one final repaired house

- You can choose from 6 different colors to paint the completed house


Fixing the windows will be separate from the rest of the house, because you have to complete a quest to find glass for the carpenter, and then it replaces the glass all over the town, not just your house.


- Every add on you buy for your house will add to your special well rested bonus

- You don't have to use the items, just sleep in the house and get the reward

- The more repaired you house is, the more bonus you get as well


The add ons will include


- Barn - allows you to buy animals

- Upgraded Watering System - plants grow faster

- New chairs, couches, beds, cabinets, and pretty much any furniture - add to well rested

- Workbench - fix weapons

- Tool Set - adds repair skill to well rested

- Book Shelf - lets you buy books that add to traits when well rested

- Weight Bench - adds melee, unarmed, and big gun to well rested

- Hot tub - adds speech to well rested


When you get your house upgraded people in town will make a quick comment on how good it is looking. It will also effect how likely you can get a relationship character to move in with you. If you have the adoptable child, they will say different things based on what you do with the house.



Farm Elements



Plants -


- Outside of your player house there will be a small field that is filled with empty plots

- Each one of these will function as a container

- You will take a seed from your inventory and place it inside of the plot

- To Water the plants, all you have to do is activate the water switch next to the field

- You can only water the plants once per day

- After watering the plants a certain number of times, the plant will begin to grow

- A small plant will appear, and in a day or so will be replaced with a bigger plant

- When the plant gets to full size you can pull it out of the container

- Fruits and vegetables can be eaten, sold, or traded

- Flowers can be sold or used as gifts

- Seeds can be bought from the farm supply store or found around the Wasteland

- Rare seeds can be found in hard to reach areas of the Wasteland


The plants will include things such a punga fruit and standard carrots, as well as crazy things like irradiated watermelon / carrot hybrid species and grapefruit / strawberry mixes and much more. You can grow standard flowers, glowing flowers, and carnivorous venus flytraps. The more rare the seed is, the more the plant will be worth once grown


Animals -


- By the small field there will be a small barn area to keep animals

- You can have a maximum of 6 different animals

- You can get animals by buying them from the farm supply store

- * if possible * you can get wild Brahmin and such from around the Wasteland with the Animal Friend Perk

- Taking care of the animals is as simple as activating the button on the feed tank

- However, you animal will become more healthy if you talk to it every day

- Giving your animal certain food or medicine can also make it stronger

- You can get eggs, milk, or wool from the animals

- If you want to get the meat from the animal, you must kill it and raid the corpse


Types of Animals


Brahmin: Just your standard ordinary two headed cow. They provide milk that is used for a lot of different food at the bakery and it cures radiation. They provide meat if killed.


Centisheep: They are pretty much a mix between a centipede and a sheep. They range in length from about 5 feet to 15 and have between 6 and 18 legs. The better you take care of them, the longer they get. You can get wool from them (more wool depending of size) and you can kill them for meat.


Wasteland Penguins: It is pretty much a chicken, but instead of feathers it has scales. They are the cheapest animal to get. They lay eggs and can provide meat if killed.


Radioactive Horses: * if possible * As long as you take care of them, they provide you with transportation around the Wasteland. They can also be used as meat.


Yao Gui: *if possible* With animal friend you can get Yao Gui and raise them on your farm to fight for you. I want to make multiple re-textures for different abilities they can gain based on what you feed them and such. They become stronger if you take good care of them. Can be companions or protect the town.

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Greenfield Family


Cale Greenfield - Mayor of the town, Sage's Dad

Summer Greenfield - Cale's Wife, Sage's Mom

Sage Greenfield - Runs the General Store

Lilly Greenfield - Cale's Daughter, Sage's Sister


Shelling Family -


Jacob Shelling - Farm Owner, Anna's Dad

Marcus Shelling - Works on Farm, Anna's Older Brother

Anna Shelling - Works on Farm

Rhodes Shelling - Kid, Anna's Younger Brother


Kaplan Family -


Rick Kaplan - Blacksmith, Emma's Dad

Amber Kaplan - Rick's Wife, Emma's Mom

Emma Kaplan - Librarian and Tech Repair


Ryder Family -


Helena Ryder - Runs Medicine Shop, Crazy old lady

Tristan Ryder - Kid, Helena's Grandson

Mellissa Ryder - Kid, Helena's Grandaughter


Other People -


Jeremiha Dixon - Carpenter, Town Gaurd

Austin Reed - Sniper, Town Gaurd

Lee Dezparda - Bartender

Shermin Rahavi - General of Town Gaurd

Gorplog - Town Barber, Super Mutant

Kaylee Moore - Town Gaurd, Waitress

Jennifer Davis - Town Chef


Visitors -


Croup - Mysterious Guy

Vandemar - Mysterious Guy



The Girls






Age - 17 She is the youngest of the girls, and it shows, since she starts out being quite the immature whiny little emo teenager... And as you get to know her you realise she is just a scared little kid left all alone.


Height - 5,4

Other than the kids and Emma, Kaylee is the next shortest person in the town.


Body Type -

Kaylee has just a bit slimmer than average frame, with little body fat and a decent amount of muscle tone, from her time training as a town guard


Hair Color -

She has dark brown hair that goes just past the shoulders, she had blond streaks in it that comes from a secret formula only Gorplog knows, and doesn't share with many people. She will have a pony tail hairstyle and straight hairstyle, nothing really fancy.


Residence - Barracks

Kaylee can be found sleeping in the Barracks as well as one of the hotel rooms in the Tavern, when she wants to get away from the people at the Barracks. She has a secret room in the Barracks that once belonged to her parents. She never sleeps there, but she keeps all her personal stuff hidden there so no one can find it.


Common Locations -

Kaylee can be found in the Barracks or guarding the Town Gate. She also works the bar some nights. When she at one of her jobs, she is usually hiding in her secret room or outside of the town walls by the destroyed tree (she is one of the few people that leaves the town walls)


Friends -

Kaylee doesn't act like she likes anyone, but she is secretly friends with her fellow outcast Gorplog. She gives him guitar lessons in exchange for him putting the blond streaks in her hair. She also cares about Mellisa, who she saved from raiders once, she kind of watches over her, and she is one of the few people she isn't totally rude to (she is rude to Gorplog when other people are around). When she was younger she was good friends with Emma and Anna, but isolated herself from them after her family was killed.


Occupation - Waitress / Town Guard

Kaylee makes more than enough money working at the Bar at night, but out of a sense of duty she also works as a town guard during the days. This is partially because that is what her parents did, and partially just to fill up time since she doesn't really spend time with people much.


Family -

All of Kaylee's family is now dead. When she was 12 her Father, Mother, and Older Sister went to fight for the Brotherhood of Steel after an urgent message from Elder Lyon's himself requesting immediate backup. Her Mother and Father were both former BOS members who left the BOS to have a family and protect the town, which they saw as a beacon of hope for the wasteland.






Age - 27

She is the oldest of the girls, and more mature than the others. She is more ready to settle down and start a family. She is also friends with a lot of the other girls parents and the other older town members, since she kind of fits in a generation gap between the two groups, but gets along with both.


Height - 5,6

She would be just slightly shorter than the default Fallout character, who I said is 5,8, but completely average compared to the other female characters in my town...


Body Type -

Jennifer will have the most curvy body. She will have nice rounded features and not too much as far as muscle mass. She won't be fat, but definitely no ribs showing like on the Type 3 body's and such.


Hair Color -

She will have light brown hair that comes just above the shoulders


Residence - Bakery

She has her own room in the back of the Bakery where she sleeps and keeps all of her stuff. She doesn't spend much time there however, since she is constantly out talking to people or making food


Common Locations -

Jennifer spends most of her time making food, which she is very dedicated to. When she is not at her Bakery she can be found getting food from the Farm or stuff from the General Store. She also roams around the middle of the town talking to people.


Friends -

Jennifer is friends with almost everyone in the town. Her main friends are Emma, Sage, as well as Summer Greenfield. She is popular among most of the groups though, from the young kids to the older generation. She also talks to Marcus a lot when she is picking up food from the farm.


Occupation -

She spends all of her time making food for the people of the town, and she gets a whole lot of business


Family -

She was raised by the Enclave and doesn't really remember any real family.






Age - 21

When she was younger, the only other kids in the town were all a couple years younger then her, so she ended up taking a leadership type roll which made her very confident, but also a bit bossy at time.


Height - 5,7

She is just below the standard Fallout height but just above the average for the females in my town.


Body Type -

Sage's body type is the closest to the idealised female form. Kind of your standard LA girl image. She is skinny but still has big boobs and a nice round ass. She is looked at by a lot of the guys as the most attractive girl in the town. (close to the Type 3 Cali body)


Hair Color -

She has blond hair, and several fancy hairstyles since she spends so much time having Gorplog work on it. (she is pissed that he won't give her highlights)


Residence -

She lives in the Mayor's Mansion with her family. She has a lot of nice stuff in her room that she got from trading or got from her father.


Common Locations -

She is found in the General Store a lot, as well as at her home. She also spends a lot of time at the bar, mostly flirting with guys. She is constantly having her hair done by Gorplog as well. After you get the purifier fixed you can find her at the pond a lot, but usually not swimming.


Friends -

She is friends with almost all of the younger generation. She doesn't talk to any of the children other than her sister, and doesn't really spend much time with the older people other than Franklin, who has been like an uncle to her. She is friends with all the girls except Kaylee who scares her. She also like to flirt with most of the guys, especially Lee.


Occupation -

She runs the General Store and sometimes tries assists her father with Mayor stuff


Family -

Cale, her father, is the Mayor, so he is the most powerful person in the town and pretty much gives Sage what she wants. She also has her mom and little sister, who she hangs out with a lot.






Age - 18

She is the same age as the player character, as well as around the same age as Kaylee and Anna. She tries to act mature, but she still relies on her parents a lot and is cautious around strangers.


Height - 5,2

She is the shortest person in the town and well below the players height. This contributes to her shyness and other people still treating her like a kid


Body Type -

Emma has the smallest frame of the girls and is pretty skinny without much muscle tone


Hair Color -

She has long jet black hair


Residence - Blacksmith

She lives with her parents in the house connected to the Blacksmith shop. She spends more time in her room than most of the other characters.


Common Locations -

She spends most of her time in the library, where she works and has her own little workroom to the side, where she restores old technology for the museum she is making. She also spends a lot of time at home. She can be found visiting Anna at the farm or at the Bakery


Friends -

She was childhood friends with Anna and Kaylee, but now she is afraid to talk to Kaylee, but misses her. She isn't very social, but she can be found talking to Sage and Jennifer, she also talks to Franklin about book and his stories from his travels before he came to the town.


Occupation -

She runs the library and is starting a museum of pre war tech, she also fixes stuff around the town


Family -

Her father is the blacksmith, Rick, and she has an overprotective mother Amber






Age - 18

Same age as the player character, and grew up friends with Kaylee and Emma. Her father and older brother still treat her like a little girl


Height - 5,8

She is the same height as the Fallout standard and a bit taller than the other girls in my town


Body Type -

She has an athletic body type, not muscular, just toned and healthy


Hair Color -

Her hair is light orange, what most people call a redhead, but it really isn't red...


Residence -

She still lives with her family and works on the farm. She has her own room separate from her brothers and has set up traps to keep them out.


Common Locations -

She spends a lot of time at her families farm, mostly taking care of the animals, but sometimes at the shop. She can sometimes be found delivering food to the Bakery, but her brother usually does that. She stops by the Medicine shop a lot, and after you fix the water purifier you can find her swimming.


Friends -

She is good friends with Emma and Sage. She spends time with Helena Ryder and her grand kids. She also hangs around Austin a lot, and is sometimes found talking to him while he is in his sniper tower.


Occupation -

She works on her families farm, mostly taking care of the animals


Family -

Her father is Jacob and her brothers are Marcus and Rhodes. Rhodes will get mad if you flirt with his sister. Her mother died during childbirth after her younger brother was born when Anna was 5

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Player Relationships-


- After the player comes to the town you will have the option to start a relationship with one or more characters.


- Male characters can date Sage, Anna, Jennifer, Kaylee, or Emma


- Female characters can date Austin, Marcus, Lee, Kaylee, or Emma


- Each character will have their normal dialogue like normal NPCs. They will also have shop dialogue when they are working. However, on top of that dialogue they will have an extra conversation option that you can only use once a day. This option will open up dialogue that will tell more about the character, and depending on how you respond it will move the relationship forward or make them not like you.


- As well as getting points from talking to the relationship NPC every day, you can also give them specific items as gifts, which will make them like you a lot more.

After you get so many relationship points it will move that NPC relationship to the next lever. It will start with acquaintance then go to friend and then to dating and finally to lover.

If you start gaining too many points with more than one NPC they will likely get mad and break up with you, but you can stay at the friend level and the current NPC you are dating won't get mad.


- As you progress through relationship stages other NPCs will say different things to you.


- When you reach the lover stage you will get the option to invite them over to your house for the night. They may also invite you over as well.


- You will eventually be able to ask them to marry you, which will move them into your house and open up new dialogue. It will also add to your well rested bonus.



Non-Player Relationships-



These relationships would happen between two NPCs if you have not gotten past the friends stage with them and the dialogue required is completed. Once the NPC starts a relationship with someone else you no longer have the option to have a relationship with them.


Once in a relationship the NPC will spend more time in the area with their counterpart. They will also replace the relationship dialogue with them talking about how much they love their counterpart. Other NPCs may or may not comment on the relationship when talking to the player character. Once the relationship starts the relationship with the player is permanently closed.


Jennifer and Marcus

Marcus has had a crush on Jennifer ever since she moved into the town. He took over the duty of delivering food from the farm to the bakery to get the chance to be around Jennifer . He is constantly in the bakery delivering stuff or trying Jennifer's new food and stuff. He is the only one that will try some of Jennifer's crazy new ideas. Jennifer, however, is pretty oblivious when people are hitting on her. She just figures that Marcus really likes her food.

When you talk to Marcus he will tell you that he likes Jennifer. You can then talk to Jennifer and get her to understand how Marcus really feels. Jennifer is overjoyed when she finally realises the obvious fact that Marcus is in love with her (everyone else in the town could see it, just not Jennifer...) Soon after they begin their relationship.


Anna and Austin

Anna and Austin both like each other, but because of Anna's father Jacob threatening him, Austin stays away from Anna. Since he is new to the town, and he knows if he gets into it with Jacob that he would probably get thrown out back into the Wasteland, where he already had a lot of enemies, and now has even more after all the people he has killed as a sniper protecting the city.

If you talk to Jacob and can convince him to leave Austin alone, then Anna and Austin will begin their relationship.


Sage and Lee

Sage and Lee show interest in each other from the beginning. If you don't make a move on either of them in a certain number of days after meeting them, then they will automatically start seeing each other.


Kaylee and Emma

Ok, this one I am going to have to put the most depth into, just so people don't think I just put them together because I am a pervert that enjoys having bisexual girls get together (though I would be lying if I said I didn't...) But I want it to be a little more than just girl on girl action.


Kaylee and Emma were once the best of friends up until around the age of 15. When Kaylee's family died and she started acting all erratic and emotional, Emma didn't know what to do. Being the introvert she is, she backed away into her own little corner when Kaylee got all angry and hard to talk to. Though Kaylee was being irrational and not wanting to talk to anyone, she was really doing the emo girl thing of acting all pissed off to get attention because she felt betrayed and alone. The fact that the person she cared more about than anyone shyed away from her caused Kaylee to put up even more of a tough girl barrier and keep people away from her.

This was not helped by the rising sexual tension between the two. Ever since they were old enough for boys to start paying attention to them, Emma would act all jealous and such and try to keep boys away from Kaylee. The fact that there was the budding of their forbidden relationship that they both tried to deny at first caused even more awkwardness between the girls.


Both of them being introverted and on the shy side, neither one would leave their comfort zone to try to get back together with the other. For almost two years they don't even speak to each other. Kaylee turns to stealing books from the library at night as opposed to having to deal with the tension between her and Emma. The true truly miss each other and feel lonely and empty without the other one, but they are too shy to come out and fix their relationship.

This is where the player's character steps in. Once you get the two to the friends stage they will occasionally mention something about their old best friend and the like. Emma will mention the missing books from the library, mentioning that there is only one other person in the town that actually reads novels, but she will cut the conversation off not telling you who. You can go to Franklin, Anna, or Emma's parents and they will tell you of how the two were once best friends.


After you get the information you can begin to persuade the two to start talking to each other again. If you haven't moved past the friends stage with either of them, as soon as you get them to start talking again they will fall deeply in love and admit their true feelings for each other. From then on you will rarely see them apart.

This relationship will get the most comments of surprise and pure shock from the other NPCs in the town. And you will also get comments about Kaylee not being such a little emo btch...


















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I really don't need too much specific help right now unless you can model of texture


but I am still takeing all sorts of ideas you can come up with, and right now, me and Quetzlsacatanango (I probly just butchered the spelling on that) are working on some interiors and stuff in the GECK


so if you are any good at takeing decent screenshots, I could use your help with that in the furutre, I would just send you the file and you could upload shots of the cool stuff



I am also looking for ideas for a quest for you to get the key to the city, so if anyone has any ideas on that, im always listening





I put all this stuff in the certain way on the first page of this topic because I am going to be updateing posts 2-7 whenever new things pop up and such, so people won't have to go searching through the entire topic like they did last time.





But even just supporting my mod is fine by me, at least I know im not wasteing my time with my crazy ideas. When I started this I didn't expect too much support, because I didn't think people were going to really be excited about a mod with no guns, no shooting stuff, and makeing you have to earn getting the chicks in to skimpy clothes.


But from the response on my last topic, it seems like there are a hanful of people out there that are looking for something new and different.




By the way, if you see any errors in what I put above, tell me so I can fix it, I had to go through and change out the old names with the new ones, and I am not 100% sure I got all of the names or spelling errors fixed...






*edit* also, Quetzlsacatanango is accepting help with dialogue and such, all you have to do is send him the stuff typed out in an email or whatever and he will put it in the GECK

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