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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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It all has to do with the chemical in the vault that makes you start hallucinating and such, kind of like on Point Lookout when *spoiler*

you get your brain cut open




I really just like the idea of telling a story in a way other than just dialogue. On one hand I could just have someone tell you what is going on with the girl, but on the other hand I can actually show you.



There are deffinate advantages of useing a videogame to tell a story. :wink:






and if anyone is interested I just threw this together last night for the Faction




didn't want to bother scanning it so I just took a picture with my camera





spectrex sent me a pm and said he is also willing to see what he can do about a Faction theme and a theme for the little girl flashback part :smile:


now we just need to figure out how to get the music into the game, so if you know anything about that kind of stuff, please tell me



Bad spoiler ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Should be "

you get your brain cut open


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Okay sorry its been a while since I last posted, got a lot of schooling to do still, not to mention family affairs, but in either case I've come up with three main story lines that could work:


1. The Mayor is Corrupted - Obviously someone thinks the Mayor is corrupted and you go through a quest line to find evidence, eventually leading to the finding of evidence and the aggressive resignation of the Mayor. (Not sure if that would interfere with current quest line or not.) Quest Reward being the Key to the City of course.


2. The Town Gets Raided - The town gets raided and the Mayor is either killed and their second in command(?) sends you one a series of (infiltrations/attacks) on the Raiders main base, eventually leading to the fall of the Cyber-Raiders and the rise of Runner-Up Mayor (or as I'm going to start calling them, RUM).


3. The Mayor is Retiring - The Mayor realizes that in the light of all things, he has had a way to adventurous life and would like to settle down and live off his last few years in peace. He sends you on a couple (a lot) errand missions, and the quest reward in the end is the Key to the City, followed by the RUM taking their office. (On this note, assuming the player completed this quest, you could still have a follow up of the first suggestion of Corruption, I made earlier. Could make an interesting in depth story line that inevitably leads to the player receiving title of Mayor, assuming you want it to be so.)


These are just brief summaries and if you'd like I'll get started on more in depth stories, but if you think they are all crap, I'll get back to work. Let me know your thoughts/opinions.

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Okay sorry its been a while since I last posted, got a lot of schooling to do still, not to mention family affairs, but in either case I've come up with three main story lines that could work:


1. The Mayor is Corrupted - Obviously someone thinks the Mayor is corrupted and you go through a quest line to find evidence, eventually leading to the finding of evidence and the aggressive resignation of the Mayor. (Not sure if that would interfere with current quest line or not.) Quest Reward being the Key to the City of course.


2. The Town Gets Raided - The town gets raided and the Mayor is either killed and their second in command(?) sends you one a series of (infiltrations/attacks) on the Raiders main base, eventually leading to the fall of the Cyber-Raiders and the rise of Runner-Up Mayor (or as I'm going to start calling them, RUM).


3. The Mayor is Retiring - The Mayor realizes that in the light of all things, he has had a way to adventurous life and would like to settle down and live off his last few years in peace. He sends you on a couple (a lot) errand missions, and the quest reward in the end is the Key to the City, followed by the RUM taking their office. (On this note, assuming the player completed this quest, you could still have a follow up of the first suggestion of Corruption, I made earlier. Could make an interesting in depth story line that inevitably leads to the player receiving title of Mayor, assuming you want it to be so.)


These are just brief summaries and if you'd like I'll get started on more in depth stories, but if you think they are all crap, I'll get back to work. Let me know your thoughts/opinions.


Well, the thing is, I have already decided to go with the whole get the water pump, fight the faction, find the little girl thing...


and really, the last thing I need to do is make another quest with all the first one not finished or the rest of the town not finished.



Now if you want to help me out with this whole Faction thing and why the little girl is so immportant, then that would be cool. I am trying to come up with a story behind why Dr. Zeon would betray his own vault to the Faction, and how would the Faction use this to help their grand scheme of creating an unstoppable army of raiders...



but as of right now, everything is going to be going into one of two quests


1. Go into the vault to get the purifier, run into the Faction, have some weird flashbacks, get the water pump, and get the key to your house.


2. After completing #1 you get the map marker to the Faction base where you break in and save the kid and get a kid to go with your house.

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hmmm i have had a thought in my head alll day i really cant get around it. But here i go .... Zombies? turn feral ghouls into really slow zombies and snipe them from inside the walls whilst they circle the town. heh not sure if we can get a story line in there but could be the sequel to this mod.
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hmmm i have had a thought in my head alll day i really cant get around it. But here i go .... Zombies? turn feral ghouls into really slow zombies and snipe them from inside the walls whilst they circle the town. heh not sure if we can get a story line in there but could be the sequel to this mod.


I've always been a -huge- fan of zombie survival type games, but I've really never seen one with an actual "survival" feel/element to it. I think it would be neat if a settlement was on the verge of being overrun by massive waves of zombies, and supplies/food were running critically low.


The attacks have everyone strained and ammunition is critically low. Logically people would want to flee. In fact a few settlers decided to risk leaving the community... the townspeople who remained later found evidence to prove that their former townsmen/townswomen never made it... and in fact were "turned."


Maybe if the community in and of itself is isolated and really cut off from the rest of the neighboring towns (Megaton / etc), it might add a lot to the fear factor.


That theme of desparity/terror combined with the creepy ambience of thick fog and dreary conditions would be enough to set me over the edge into gaming ecstacy lol.


Back to working on the music!


I am excited about sharing the progress on the Faction's theme!

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Personally I've gotten quite sick of zombies as of late, pretty much EVERY game has zombies in some form or another. But really I have no room to judge since I really haven't been much help so far in this DLC.



Oh, and before I forget, Tony, if you want to send me the town history information I can try to write up a quick timeline of major events.

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