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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Sorry to be posting this here, but I don't know where to put it on your forums.


I'd love to help in anyway I can. I try to stay away from dialogue :blink: especially after what happened in my novel I wrote recently... Anyway, I'm pretty handy with the G.E.C.K. but it seems you've already got that section well supported. I could help with music and sounds if you'd like. At the moment I'm learning how to use FL Studio 8 which has some pretty suitable instruments that would probably fit here.

I saw someone else was working on your music but I can help too. If you tell me what kind of music your looking for I can work on it. I don't really have any samples to show you but I play guitar so I can record tracks if I need to.

Also, if I can have a dude in the Faction, that'd be cool. Call me "Rockdude" and I don't really care what he looks like. Heck, I don't even know where I got the name from in the first place anymore.


Anyway, if you don't need my help, know that I am supporting this mod because it sounds really interesting to me.


P.S. Currently I am working on the DC Renewal Project, but I need a little time off to learn some things about the G.E.C.K., plus I am beginning on working with the textures. So I'll just use it as a reference of my work in the G.E.C.K. :biggrin:

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This is a prefectly fine place for you to post that, so no need to be sorry. I just have the forums to help keep everyone on the same page as far as what we are working on and stuff... but at the moment the whole thing is a bit unorganized... But I just didn't think anyone wanted me to be posting all my pages of stuff on this website...


But anyways, The GECK is actually where I need the most help. I do have some people already working on stuff, but I still have a quite a few interior buildings that need done, as well as a main HQ for the Faction (IceDragon is working on the Vault for part one of the quest, but I need a base for part 2)


But the interiors are really important, and I have 12 of them that need done, so if you are up for that tell me, and I can give you blueprints or whatever. I can even make a mesh for the exterior that fits whatever you want to do with that particular building.


I need an interior for


The Barber Shop

Carpenter's Shop


The Mayor's House

and The Players House


you can see some of the exteriors that I have in progress here




Just tell me what you need as far as meshes and such and I can make them. I will even be willing to let you use some of my Meshes and textures for your DC Renewal Project if you have use for them.




As far as the music, Spectrex is already working on the different themes and stuff, but I do have one thing I could use your help with in that area


Do you have an acoustic guitar?


Because I wanted to have Kaylee playing guitar by herself at night by the tree outside of town, but I found that over a year of not playing has made me quite the awful guitar player... so I scrapped the idea. But if you think you can handle that, then I will put that back into my plans.


You can also do the stuff for Gorplog if you like (Super Mutant Barber and horrible guitar player) But if you don't want to, I think I am more than capable of playing guitar like a Super Mutant...




But anyways, if you have any questions or anything, just contact me


I check my stuff on here usually, and I always check my stuff on the mods form and my emails


or contact me on MSN / Windows Live Messenger ([email protected])

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heh nice i am liking it. We really need to get a new thread or something lol. 14 pages might seem a bit long to new readers.


Just imagine how long and cluttered it would be if there wasn't a forum for this DLC. I'm pretty sure most people know perfectly well how to scroll and read.

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Actually, a family of ghouls would be nice, adding some variety to the NPC's in the town...


Thank you, Xanorak. I have an obsession with variety, and a love of ghouls, so the idea played well to my interests. Happy to see someone else likes the idea, yeah? ^_^


I posted the idea on this project's forum, as well as a few other ideas of mine, yeah?


Unfortunately, with no modding skills, I can't really help out with the project beyond some ideas... But I am a professional writer, so if you need help with dialogue or plot, I'd be happy to contribute. But you've probably already got plenty of help with the dialogue and plot, yeah?


I'd love to say I could contribute voice acting, since I'm surprisingly good with acting and emotions, but my voice is terrible... You'd tear your ears off after two minutes of listening to my voice. It gets really whiny when I get nervous, but my best guy friend on Second Life tells me I have an adorable laugh, yeah? ^^U


Anyway, I'd love to contribute, but right now, all I have are my ideas, yeah?

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Honestly, I havn't had too much help with dialogue so far... and I have millions of lines of dialogue I still need to wright...


I have a ton of minor characters that are in serious need of personality, as well as some major characters and such


Shermin Rahavi - General of Town Gaurd

Jeremiha Dixon - Carpenter, Town Gaurd

Lee Dezparda - Bartender (love interst for female player character)

Marcus Shelling - Works on Farm, Anna's Older Brother (love interest for female player character)

Emma Kaplan - Librarian and Tech Repair (love interest for male or female player character)

Amber Kaplan - Rick's Wife, Emma's Mom

Lilly Greenfield - Cale's Daughter, Sage's Sister


And honestly, the backstory for the town is a pretty big mess and need of some work, and the Faction story is still being developed, so whatever you feel like doing in that area would be cool as well...




But anyways, the whole idea on the dialogue is that each non relationship character will have around 5 or so "Linear Conversations" with the Player Character


When I say "Linear Conversations" I don't mean that they don't have options and stuff, but that they follow the "once per day" formula and they happen in a certain order.


I do this to form a sort of "backbone" for my dialogue structure. It allowes me to controll what events happen in relation to other events. I use it as a way to give the "essential" information that they player must have in order to understand the branching off dialogue.




So it pretty much goes


Conversation #1

Conversation #2

Conversation #3

Conversation #4

Conversation #5


As simple as that. Each conversation however can be as advanced as you like.


But then relationship characters will go a step further and have a total of 20 conversations that make up the "Linear Dialogue" for that character. More information on the specifics for the are on my Forum, but it is pretty dam simple as well.






But anyways, the "Linear Dialogue" is nowhere near the end of the dialogue for that character. In fact, it is really just the begining.


The "Linear Dialogue" unlocks other dialouge that heppens in a non "Linear" type fashion



So, for example, I just finished working on "Kaylee - Friend Conversation #4" where Kaylee tells you about how she rescued Mellisa, the little girl that wandered outside of the town, and how Gorplog thanked her by giveing her his secret hair dye.


So, the player finishes that "Linear Conversation" but it really isn't over. You can walk over to Mellisa or Gorplog, and ask them something along the lines of "Hey, tell me about the time Kaylee did..." and it will start a conversation with that character that will tell you how much they appreciate what Kaylee did, or how awesome it was that Kaylee saved her.


And then, once those characters give you more information on Kaylee, the final branch of that dialogue tree is when you go back to Kaylee and ask her more about how she saved Mellissa, and she will continue to downplay the fact that she was the hero of the day or whatever.



This same type of thing would be used for stuff like when you get to the Dating stage with Anna, you have Marcus (her brother) come up to you and poing a shotgun in your face and give you a bunch of threats that you better treat his sister good... or else...


If I didn't use the linear system, I couldn't control the fact that this happens after you start dating Anna, as opposed to it happening the first time you ever see Marcus. Because that just wouldn't make sence...





But anyways, hopefully you get the point, if not, just ask


The dialogue is really way too much work for me to handle, and if I don't get the dialogue done for the essintial members of the town first, then I will never be able to get around to get around to adding all this extra stuff people seem to want me to do...




But if you do want to work with a Ghoul character, then you can wright Franklin's dialogue, but I will have to give you a discription of what I want from that guy, because he is pretty immportant to the town and a lot of other people's stories...




But really, what I need is people that can help me finish and perfect what I have right now. I need to finish what I started before I try to do half a million more things... Even if it is something like going through and fixing the individual lines in my dialogue, that would be helpful... Because I have the overall structure planned out and everything, but the individual lines are still quite rough and need some polishing...

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I can help with interiors... maybeh

I can try anyway!


double poster... tisk tisk


o, is the mighty LHammonds going to come down and give me two more strikes for double posting... :biggrin:


But anyways, just tell me what interiors you are interested in and what info you need and I can get it to you.



I currently still need


The Barber Shop

Carpenter's Shop


The Mayor's House

and The Players House



Send me a pic once you get the walls up and I can make the exterior mesh fit what you plan for the interior. You can also send me any pictures you find that you want something specific on the exterior.


Also, if you find that you need something not available in the game, send me a pic of what you want and I can get a Mesh made


Also, if you can, make a copy of the wall objects that you use (as in make a seperate item, so that I can retexture them later, without retexturing the base item in fallout. (so pretty much, just take "wall peice" and make a copy called "wall peice copy" and use the copy peice enstead of the origional)



The more people that work on interiors, the more time I can spend working on makeing custom meshes and textures for those interiors, as well as exteriors. So I am accepting all help in that area.





Plus, anyone who does interiors for me will get to download my armors and stuff before the mod is completed, as opposed to haveing to wait for the final release :biggrin:

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