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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Well for what is worth, I can´t help doing anything I am NO modder. But I´ll just try to encourage every person that is helping you out with this mod. Becuase I freaking love this mod and I would like to see it SHIIIIINE. Hehehe :biggrin:


I am the only person working on the mod now, and I am not accepting help even if people offer, simply because I don't think anyone would pull through anyways.


As of right now I am only working on makeing the buildings. So unless anyone has any ideas on post apocolypse architecture and building practices, then I will just keep working on this by myself.

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what happened?

seemed like there were alot of people working on it, and that forum that that guy set up


a lot of people made promises and no one came through with what they said they would do, and in the end I spent more time trying to get my website together, and updateing people on information which they never bothered to use, then I did actually getting the stuff built that I need to build...

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that sucks...

but I can see people not having the commitment to do that (well, I can't really talk :P)

good luck though!


I can understand if someone only wants to help out a little bit or not at all, I just don't like it when people promise to do something and don't do it. Because once they promise to do it, I adjust what I am doing accordingly and when they don't end up doing anything then it messes up the whole plan...


So in the end it is just simpler for me to work on this myself. Though that means there probly won't be any new creatures to raise on the farm, and the whole quest thing might as well be thrown out the window, simply because it is too much of a time commitment for one person.

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Only if you're still stuck with the little girls quest:


The girl is a slave child beign kidnapped by the riders to sell her in paradise falls

the vault dweller, while retrievin the purifier parts, he discover a suicase, containing the belongings of the child's parents, incluiding several holotapes/notes, the girl's diary(supposing the girl is around 15 years old) a teddybear and such, and besides the suitcase(same room, in the boss corpse) a slavist manifesto, including the girls name. this can activate the quest in wich the player search for the girl in the deeps of the vault. now when the player release her, she will run away, and she'll try to hide, bcoz of the trauma of being captured all that time, she will not belive in the player's good will --here a karma check may apply, but only to see how much the player can approach-- so the player will be presented with this 2 choices, trying to convince her to accompanny him/her back to the town, or leave her by her own, wich means letting her die.

to convince her the player must have something to calm her, and what is best to calm a scared little child than his teddybear???

also the player must have the notes left by her parents, and so, the girl will accept to accomplany the player to the town


nevertheless, i'll update this tomorrow, since is 4:15AM here and I NEED some sleep

the update will go \/ there so if you see this BEFORE i update, and don't want me to do so, just post.



Now some on the player/girl relatioship.

Even since you brought her to the town, that doesn't mean she'll trust you enough to let you be part of her life,

and at first she'll run into trouble very often, running away town to wander in the wastes, and she is pretty ostraced.

Here is where the vault dweller comes in handy.


Quest: Free the Damned(or however you want to name it)

Stage 1

Aquired from: after killing the boss to retrieve the water purifier


A note containing the manifesto and the code to the door(as well as a mapmaker) is included into the player's inventory.


the note Says:

Boss, here's the list of ba****ds we have captured, the explorators have reported that the

slavers from paradise hills will accept the trade, but said that they have to see the

merchandise first.


some random name

some random name

some random name

some random name

girls name

some random name

some random name

some random name

some random name

some random name


they are all locked up in the security section, and the password is (passwd)


when the player finds the terminal locked door to the security section,

the area will have some Faction members holed up, and they will try to ambush him/her,

after the fight he will have to, either hack the terminal to open the cells,

lockpick the cell door or find the key/passcode to do so

(note: only one of these can ve made, either lockpick/key or hack/passcode)

and he then will realize that the Faction killed everyone exept the girl, and after trying to speak to her, she will flee.




girl: aaaaaaaaaaiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stage 2:

calm down the girl/or leave the vault


here is the choice, if you want to help the girl, you will have to find the suitcase and take the items needed,

the teddybear and the notes/holotapes, and give them to the girl(tricky as she will flee as you approach),

once you have talked to her, the items will be removed,and she will listen to you:


(dialog 1 (good/neutral/evil))


PC: Are you ok?/hey! r u allright/QUIT CRYING!!!!

GRL: snif snif, noo... buaaaaaaaa!!!!/buaaaaaaaaaaaa....snif snif buaaaaaaaaaaaaa/AAAAAAAAAAAAA


at this point, the girl will either keep talking- good, neutral- or flee again - evil -

if you choose evil, you will have to try to calm her again:

(dialog 1b)


PC: Please forgive me, calm down I need to talk to you/Calm down, just calm down/SHUT THE F*CK UP!

GRL: (both the good and neutral have the same response)Ok... snif.../LEAVMEEEEE ALONEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


Ok here is quite simple, if you go evil a second time, you "lose" the quest. so BE NICE!


(dialog 2(only options here, no more good/evil))


PC: What's your name?/Are you hurt?/Hunger, Thirst?

GRL: girls name, and you?/My feet hurts/Both...

PC: I'm [player's name], but sometimes they callme Vault Dweller/Here, have this, it should fix it [stimpack]

/Right, here have this (food) and this (¿purfied?water)

GRL: So..... you came from a vault? one like this?(2b)

/SIGH!.....mmmph......wheeeew, now it doesn't hurt!!!!(3)/MUNCH MUNCH phakz i wuz ztrvimggg MUNCH MUNCH(3)


(2b ¿¿again good/evil??)

PC :Yeah!, just like this one!

GRL:So-o-o...you a-a-are one o-o-o-of t-t-t-them ????

PC :No, those guys aren't fron a vault, they've raided this one, an probably killed everyone inside...

/ ¿¡¿¡¿¡¿¡YEAH....NOW I WILL KILL YOU......?!?!?!?!

GRL: Phew!... you scared me a lot!!!/¿¿¿¿¿P-p-p-p-please -d-d-don't kill m-m-m-meeee.....?????



PC : Ok, now, are you feeling better?

GRL: I think so... why?

PC : Look, not far from here lies a town, there you can rest and stay safe, what you say, let's go?

GRL: mmmmm...ok...is not like i'm going to stay here anyway....


At this point you have to take the girl into the town SAFE!(probably making her not-essential???)

when you arrive at the town, she will move into you're house and wait for you

(as I understand,completing the purifier quest grants you a house non?).




Best Regards


PS: sorry the sh***y english

Edited by CorrodedSoul
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dude i think ive read more then 15 pages of this mod.....incredible work amazing!!!!!!

i used to play so much harvest moon that my brain would grow crops.... if only i knew how to mod......!!

all i can say is good luck with this you took a big project on your hands especially now that you seem to work alone with out help...


let me ask you this, if you have any spare time for my stupid wishes...

on a scale of 1 to 50 how ready is this godly mod?

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dude i think ive read more then 15 pages of this mod.....incredible work amazing!!!!!!

i used to play so much harvest moon that my brain would grow crops.... if only i knew how to mod......!!

all i can say is good luck with this you took a big project on your hands especially now that you seem to work alone with out help...


let me ask you this, if you have any spare time for my stupid wishes...

on a scale of 1 to 50 how ready is this godly mod?


I have pretty much everything planned out now


maybe 30% - 40% of the dialogue writen (in a notebook, not typed up or anything)


a good amount of buildings done in Max



But absolutly nothing is done in the GECK, and none of my models for the town are put into Nifskope...



I have some time off school for the next couple weeks and I hope to get some more progress. But regretfully, this is the time I am also the most busy with my job which is running the photo center at Walmart and dealing with an overload of christmas related orders...


My goal is to finish the exterior town meshes by January, as well as finishing up the normal maps and textures for my Midwest Brotherhood of Steel armor.


I also hope to get the female base body done, so I can start building outfits and such for my characters. I am building my own base body, because I perfer not to work off of the vanilla or other peoples work (such as the Type 3). Not that I have anything against other peoples body replacers, but I like to keep my work purely mine, and since it is just for NPCs I don't have to worry about compatability with other stuff.





But anyways, I actually got bored with Harvest Moon. I found the game very adicting, and rewarding in an odd way, but the lack of conflict and changeing dialogue made the game get old pretty fast.


That is why I chose Fallout for my mod, because a post atomic wasteland is the perfect place for a farm :biggrin:


Really, once the world is nuked into nothingness, the culture that emerges should be more in touch with what makes a civilization and what allows people to survive. It was farming that created the first human civilizations and allowed the species to move past being simple hunters and gatherers that were hardly above the level of animals.


To me, Fallout without a source of food is like haveing a society that relies on some sort of magical source of noureshment to fall from the sky...




Though, if I ever got the chance (which won't happen because it is a Japanese game) to work on a Harvest Mood title, I would deffinatly do it. Because I would really like to push the possibilities of takeing it to a true current-gen game. Really, the franchise hasn't moved much further than what Harvest Moon 64 had to offer, which is sad with the amount of advancements in gameing out there. I would want to add complex dialogue trees that interlock between the different characters where the things you say don't just affect one person, but they trickle down to the people they talk to. And I would deffinatly add the ability to buy and repair different buildings and property (maybe a Fable like real estate system)


But that is just me throwing out crazy ideas again...



I guess I should stop rambling now... I just get a little too passionate when talking about the future possibilities of role playing elements inside of games...

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wow you remind me of myself in the way you want things done your way without people interfearing

how did you say it? you want your work to be truly yours i know that feeling too.. and i should know im a bloody artist...


all i can say is i admire your spirit these things are not easy to do or learn.

there are only a few great modders out there you are one of them not only by your works or ideas,

but from that very passion and spirit.


keep up the great work man this mod a great idea for fallout.


falout 3 is the greatest game ever and who ever disagree should be punched, hard, by a falling ice cream van, lets make it a semi trailer......

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Well i just read through all 18 pages today, great work and ideas, if only I had the skills in 3D maxs and working with Textures. But on the other hand I am very talented in Photoshop CS3 ( None of that CS4 junk and 3d work) and have camtasia for videos problem is though i run on aobut medium settings i could try to overclock for better settings for a video if you wanted one up on youtube or a Nexus for a preview. I'd love to help out all I can since EVE Online is slow atm and i just got off from school for Christmas break. Keep up the nice work, also i'd be more than willing to be an alpha tester.
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