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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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wow you remind me of myself in the way you want things done your way without people interfearing

how did you say it? you want your work to be truly yours i know that feeling too.. and i should know im a bloody artist...


all i can say is i admire your spirit these things are not easy to do or learn.

there are only a few great modders out there you are one of them not only by your works or ideas,

but from that very passion and spirit.


keep up the great work man this mod a great idea for fallout.


falout 3 is the greatest game ever and who ever disagree should be punched, hard, by a falling ice cream van, lets make it a semi trailer......


Well, the reason I want to keep everything completly mine and not use Bethesda meshes or other peoples meshes is not really a matter or ego or me wanting to take all the credit, but more so it is a practical decision that benifits me in the long run.


The whole idea is that every mesh and texture I make can be added to my ever growing library of objects. So I can take any of these things I have worked on for this mod, and re-use it for Fallout New Vegas or any other game I come across and feel like modding. If I want to make a game with the Unity engine and load it up onto the internet and make money, I can take the models and textures from this mod and use them. If I want to simply make a portfolio and send it to game studios to try to get a job, I can do that.


If I used other peoples stuff as a base then I couldn't use the stuff for other games, or my own games, or even in my portfolio. So I stick with working on my own stuff to add to my own personal 3D model library.




And really, I actually enjoy brainstorming and shareing ideas with people a lot. I value other peoples opinions on how things could work best and I like discussing the possibilities of pushing the boundries of what is possible. The problem I was haveing with this mod however was that people didn't want to brainstorm. The people working with me just wanted me to give them a character to work on by themselves and they never wanted to bother working together to bring out a broader view of any of the other characters. And then the people working with me wouldn't respond to my emails with immportant questions about how the characters they were working on related with the stuff I needed to work on. (such as how they would react to one of my character or what kind of hair and outifts I needed to design for them) So I got to the point where I couldn't move foward untill they responded, but they wern't responding.


So basically, I got to the point where I had to make a decision. I had a whole list of characters I wanted people to comment on, and no one would do it, but if I moved foward with the characters they were going to get to the point where they were too complete to be open to brainstorming. But since I couldn't wait around for months for people to respond I simply had to move foward the way I wanted to and forget about working with anyone else.


So now I work on everything myself, because I simply can't work with people who won't respond to email and don't want to brainstorm ideas.




But anyways, I deffinatly don't consider myself one of the great modders on this website. I have only released my one mod which was something pretty much anyone could do (A Good Hairday) and my 3D modeling skills are still lacking. I have only been doing this for 8 - 9 months or so, and still have tons to learn about creating game art.

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Well i just read through all 18 pages today, great work and ideas, if only I had the skills in 3D maxs and working with Textures. But on the other hand I am very talented in Photoshop CS3 ( None of that CS4 junk and 3d work) and have camtasia for videos problem is though i run on aobut medium settings i could try to overclock for better settings for a video if you wanted one up on youtube or a Nexus for a preview. I'd love to help out all I can since EVE Online is slow atm and i just got off from school for Christmas break. Keep up the nice work, also i'd be more than willing to be an alpha tester.


At the moment the only help I am acception is ideas for the town architecture and layout or I guess even the story behind it.


But I am currently breaking up all my tasks, so I am looking only at the town and not at characters or quests or anything of the like.




so if you want to help you can hop over to this dead topic I started about the possibilities of a Post-War Fallout town




But obviously I am one of the few people on here interested in discussing the concepts of post-apocolypse rebuilding




So if you have ideas on what the buildings or walls should look like, or what the layout of the town should be, or what other items should be put in the town then you can send me your ideas. But other than that I am not accepting help at the moment. I will post later when things change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I just thought I would let the people who care know


Quetzlsacatanango is back working on dialogue and quest related stuff in the GECK, so I am going to continue working on writing dialogue for now.




So, if anyone is interested in brainstorming characters or writeing dialogue, you must contact me on Windows Live Messenger. My adress is [email protected].


I will possibly consider contacting you in another way if you email me (at the same adress above) because I do have Yahoo and a couple other messengers, that I don't really use.


But I am absolutly not going to be brainstorming dialogue over PMs or on this forum or anything, I have tried it before and it just doesn't work out. If you want to be any help you have to contact me in a way that we can send immediate feedback to make the brainstorming process work.


So if you want to help, Email me, don't post it on here.




But anyways, as far as the rest of this project is going, I am still working on building. I hope to get them done ASAP so I can upload a file onto here and let people take a tour or whatever.

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One of the things I haven't seen you discuss is the town being raided, when I read that part I was thinking a dynamic response to the impact the town has on the surrounding lands.


Here was the idea, that the actions of the townfolk and the player would over time increase the hatred of various groups of entities (animals or people) towards to town. Reaching a unique threshold for each group would result in a raid on the town.


To measure and track this hatred or Emnity something like Enivromental Impact Points would be required. It is just a simple mechanism which serves to create raids that happen for a reason outside main quest lines.


Impact of Farming, Hunting & Gathering

You mentioned farming of plants and animals. Plants come from seeds or are cloned from existing growth in the wild. You can also just dig up whole plants and bring them back to the plot for growth (I've done this myself in real life as a way to start a mother crop from which to clone from).


Same with animals, although your township may already be in possession of some animals they may not be of breeding quality or may not have enough to support the town populace ( scripts to evalute the state of food supply would help provide varying daily quests : not enough food being produced by the farm? then its stock needs to be supplanted by plants/animals in the wild ).


The act of removing an animal from the wild (of breed stock type) deprives a predatory animal of its food. Therefore it increase the EIP of the area in which the animal was removed from.


a) These predators may or may not be social creatures. More EIP if they are since the amount of food to go around for that group of animals has drastically reduced.

b) Established people are not the only people in the wasteland, there are roaming gypsies of whom you may mistakingly (or on purpose) take cattle from. The increases that families EIP.

c) Same goes for plants, wild-cattle (or any vegetarian group of animal) will eventually be forced closer to your town as that group of wild-cattles EIP rises.


Perception of Oppurtunity

The Player Character(PC) will not be the only one from the town who wanders out in the wild. Other towns-people will go out to keep the town supplied with other things which can be scavenged.


In doing so it is inevitable that at some point they will be spotted by raiders. Various outcomes can occur from these encounters (obviously made more desirable if the PC is there accompanying them).


Being spotted by raiders increases that raiders EIP only if they survive, so :


1) Townsfolk killed while out gathering/scavenging, then each raiders EIP is raised.

2) Raider dies : reset to zero (just incase there is a scripting problem with new raider spawns inheriting deceased raider EIP)

3) A Raider witnesses the PC or Townsfolk NPC killing another raider, then that raiders EIP increases substantially.



These are the two basic mechanics that cycle in the wasteland in order to propogate some dynamic behaviour, the idea is that : if you brazenly walk the land without regard taking what you want, then it has consequences.




Every NPC has a new unique attribute :


(table) Emnity


By default All non townsfolk have the town as an item in their Emnity table, and say a default threshold of 1000 for the town under their Eminty.


So it would look like (I have more experience with Lua and Javascript so you'll have to excuse my misconception of what is possible with GECK):


entity.Emnity = {
["TownShip"] = {
  ["default"] = 0,
  ["current"] = 248,
  ["threshold"] = 1300
["Raiders"] = {
  ["default"] = 300,
  ["current"] = 892,
  ["threshold"] = 900



If you can't create tables or multi-dimensional arrays and associate them with each entity on the playing field then I suppose you would need to do something like :


Entity_000x3fd_Emnity_TownShip_Default = 0
Entity_000x3fd_Emnity_TownShip_Current = 248
Entity_000x3fd_Emnity_TownShip_Threshold = 1300


In the first example you see that there are two groups for which emnity is being tracked. Supposing this table is for a gyspy family for example, we might provide the reason for such a low threshold being that over time recurrent raids on that gypsy family would erode the threshold to the point where it becomes a perpetual war until one side is eradicated. (remember that newly spawned NPCS have a clean set of values unless they are influenced by other NPCS whom have different values.




End result could very well be that the town doesn't need to venture out for supplies, yet gets to witness a growing war between roaming gypsies and raiders (or other factions).


Take it as you will, I hope you did have something dynamic as this in mind for the town raids and not some finite amount of scripted events.

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I like the idea, and I could see it taken even a step further and adding the Enclave and BOS and Outcasts into the mix.


And then ontop of that, we could put in the ability to trade with and have diplomatic discussions with other factions.


The whole thing would create a whole new strategy-base defending aspect to Fallout. Then it would only be a matter of takeing the main quest and the major sidequests and implementing them in ways that completing them gains favor for the town or makes new enemies.


Really, the possibilities are endless... If only I had the ability and time to pull something like that off...




But in the end, I am not a scripter by any means. My knowledge of programing is simply limited to basic Maxscript. The information is out there, and I could learn it, but I just have too many other things to do on this mod, in the areas that I already have a somewhat decent skillset.


Right now I have to focus on what I am good at, and that is makeing 3D models,textures, and animations. Out of the other two people currently helping me out, one makes quests, works out the dialogue in the geck, and handles other geck stuff like the ability to upgrade the parts of the house and such. The other is a dialogue writer.




I would be very happy if I could get a dedicated scripter that could pull of such a system for my mod. I am hopeing that once I can get my main part of the mod done, that it will be easier to get someone on board. All I can really offer is new outfits and stuff for the different gypsie factions, or newly modeled and animated species of animals, or maybe even seige weapons.


I bet Q could get the communications that allow you to trade and conduct diplomacy with the other Faction leaders.


It would only be a matter of finding someone to pull off the scripting and stuff.




With my current sceduel, it may still be a while longer before I have the main part done, so I will look to expand on that part of the mod down the road when I finish building this town.

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i really like this idea! its great to see good ideas come to life from the community, its been a while since ive modded (halo pc XD) but i want to start getting into it again. i really like this idea, knowing for all the 128 hours ive played that your ALWAYS alone throughout the game is sort of annoying. not to mention, i like the idea of a growing town, it'll make the game seem like actual time is going by. not to mention, besides the water purifier, it'll be good to see a sort of "bastion of hope" for humanity. somewhere with a purpose to conserve, build upon, and call home. ahh, somewhere where death and destruction cant follow you home...i like that idea, i like it a lot :) definitely keep it up and if you need beta testers and screenies let me know :)


edit: OH i also forgot, maybe for a quest to add onto the city you can have a character accept "scrap metal." for every 15 you bring in a piece of the city gets bigger? its just an idea though...


i also have a pretty good microphone to use if you are scrounging around for a voice as one of the characters :) my friend kase actually goes to a sound engineering school (full sail university). if you need audio clean-ups or a high quality microphone for voice acting, im sure he'll help you out!

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Diplomacy and faction relations should not be too hard to do. BOS and raiders are already part of some of the quests that are already in progress, so it's a small step from there to more lasting relations. I think the idea as stated a couple posts above is a little complex. Tracking every raider to see if he saw his pal get killed and then lived is not something I am particularly interested in doing, and I think we could accomplish something similar more simply, or at least fake it well enough. Maybe striking a deal with our quest raiders would put the town under their protection, and then via quest the player has to nurture that relationship. To me that's a lot easier and less resource intensive than having scripts running all the time (and not mucking them up :)).
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Ok, the main goal of this mod is to create a beacon of hope in this desolate wasteland of despair that we call Washington D.C. The idea is to create a town that through your good deeds, can thrive and succeed as a society in a world full of thieves and barbarians.


This is not going to be a simple one dimensional town like Megaton or Rivet City, where the town is exactly the same day one as it is when you return from activating the water purifier at Project Purity. This town will grow as you progress through the game, you will get to know the people in the town, and maybe even find that special girl you want to marry. Through your good deeds the people will praise you accomplishments and the worn down buildings of the town can be repaired to their former glory.


The idea is not to have some kind of gameplay element that you play through all at once. I want this to be kind of a pit stop that you take after you day of adventures in the Wasteland. A place that you come home to and talk to a few people, collect your crops, drop off some loot, get a good night sleep, have your girlfriend bring you breakfast, and then head back out to another day in the Wasteland. As opposed to just expanding the game by giving you more quests to do, I want to improve the existing game by giving you something worth fighting for and protecting. I want to give you people that you will want to save and that will be eternally grateful to you if you do.


I really just want to get rid of the disconnected feeling of being a "Lone Wanderer" and give you a home that will actually make you feel at home in the Wasteland.



Here is what this mod will include



The Exterior


- A town with 12 new buildings. 8 or which will be new meshes and 4 of which will be used twice. New textures for all of the buildings. A new wall texture and mesh to be built around the town. New clutter items to decorate the exterior of the town.


- Each exterior piece will include between 3 and 5 different versions, each with an increased amount of damage. Some of this will be done only through texture, but some will be done through new meshes as well.


- A system that allows you to gain points toward repairing either individual buildings or items, or the town as a whole. Each time you gain enough points, the old, more damaged item will be replaced with the less damaged variant, up until it is in its top condition.


The Farm


- New vegetable, flower, and other plant models, some with various growing stages, while others will just use different scale when they grow


- Seeds that can be found around the wasteland or you buy them from the town shop


- Pre-placed plots that will allow you to place the seed inside, which will grow into a plant you can pick within a certain number of days


- You can use vegetables to eat, sell, or trade, and flowers to stay as decoration or give to people as gifts or sell


- It isn't plants, but you will also be given the ability to raise brahmin and get milk that increases in quality as long as you take care of them


- Taking care of plants will only require you to hit the switch next to the water system in the morning, and taking care of brahmin is as simple as hitting the switch next to the feed station


The Interior


- Fully finished interiors for all of the houses, navmeshed and companion friendly


- New furniture and clutter items, as well as new wall and carpet textures, to give each house a more personal feel than the generic ones in the vanilla game


- The ability to purchase upgrade items for you personal house or to give items others can put in their houses


The Player's Home


- A fully custom house with plenty of room to buy upgrades and decorations.


- When you buy upgrades you will get stats added to you well rested bonus, no need to actually use you weight bench or bathtub, just sleep in you house and you will get the points.


- Extra space for the npc you marry to put their things


- An extra room for a kid (though I am not adding the ability to have a kid in the initial release, maybe in the future)


The People


- 22 new npcs with full dialogue and voice acting


- A complex system of interconnecting dialogue that will have things one npc may say to you open options of stuff you can say to other npcs


The Relationships


- 5 girls and 3 guys you can have a relationship with. 2 of the girls will be bisexual as well as 1 of the guys, to accommodate guys that play as girls and girls that play as guys or whatever.


- A system that lets you gain points with these npcs that you can get through talking to them, giving them gifts, or doing small quests to help them out.


- Each time you reach a certain number of points it will move the relationship forward, having 4 different stages. Acquaintance, Friend, Dating, In Love


- The ability to take them out on dates. Get them drunk at the bar, go swimming, go visit Oasis, or whatever else cool I can think of.


- The option to have sex or move in and get married to the npc after getting to the 'In Love' stage of the relationship


The Shops


- 8 shops that allow you to donate you unneeded items in order to help them expand and get rare items and free stuff from them later on




- Various ways of expanding the towns defenses. You can repair robots, train Yao Gui, or just give whatever badass yet unneeded equipment you have to the town guards (such as the two T-51bs I never use because I have a stealth character)


- The town will be attacked from time to time, but you will be called on your radio in time to return when big attacks happen



This is what I can do to make this mod a reality



What I plan on doing for this mod is mostly building things in 3Ds Max and making textures. I am currently working on the exterior buildings, and when I am done with that I will move on to making new decorations for the outside of the town, and then move my way in, making new textures, furniture, and clutter for each house. The main goal is to create unique items that will give this town a more unique and civilized feel than the rest of the Wasteland.


The stuff is not going to be new or anything crazy like that, I am just going to go for an old, worn, but actually taken care of stuff, as opposed to stuff that looks like it belongs in a trash dump somewhere. The people of the town just happen to respect their property and take care of it more than you common raider or super mutant. Lots of patches and stuff, from where the people have tried to keep their falling apart furniture in one piece.


I will be making the different variations on certain pieces, as well as upgraded furniture and items you can get for your home later on.


After I am done with this I will begin setting the town up in the GECK both the interiors and exteriors. I am also going to be adding chairs that will only be used by certain npcs, as a way to avoid the clipping problem when I change the height of npcs.


I will also create the looks and adjust the heights of the npcs to better fit the personality of the characters.


Once I finish this I will turn my attention on to helping complete the dialogue



I will be honest, I am not really a very experienced modder, I am still learning the ins and outs of 3Ds Max, and the only mod I have ever made before was "A Good Hairday"




I have been using 3Ds Max for about 5 months now, and have just now gotten into texturing. You can look at my photobucket page if you are interested in seeing what I can do





But I am taking my time on this mod, and learning what I have to as things move along.



I also wright stories, create characters, draw concept art, make layouts and blueprints of buildings and the overall town, and come up with crazy ideas in general. But I decided to save that till the very last, as to not sound like one of those crazy noobs that comes along saying "Hey, I can wright a story and come up with characters and organize a mod if you guys will go do all the real work for me." But in all seriousness, I have done writing and stuff as a hobby for quite some time, and have already done a lot as far as character development and such for this mod. If you just read this page you will see the amount of work I have done to get this thing all planned out and ready to build on.


I have always believed that a mod without a clear vision and purpose will struggle much more than a mod with a straight forward plan and a solid blueprint.



What other people can do to help me out



First of all, I am the kind of person that doesn't really like to rely on other people to get stuff done for me. Anything that I can do, I am going to be doing. And if I don't know how to do it, I will damn well figure it out. If I have to I will do the whole thing myself.


But that is not going to be very practical time wise, since I assume people will want this to be done as soon as possible. So I will start by doing what I know how to do, and hope that by the time my town starts coming together and things start looking good, more people who know how to do scripting and stuff will come along and help me finish out.


Like I said before, I am mostly just good at 3Ds Max and Photoshop, I can work the GECK, but I have little experience and am slow. So any help in the area of getting this stuff to work inside the GECK would be incredibly helpful. What I need most is someone that can get the shops and stuff running, and someone who can get the plants to grow


But I really don't expect many people to hop on board while I still have so little progress to show. I am really just putting this up here for future reasons. Once I get this town built as a good solid foundation for the mod, and can actually show that I can provide my part, then I will start actively looking for help


Quetzlsacatanango is already helping me out a lot a whole lot, making dialogue for the npcs and stuff. He has got a good start to the npc relationships and has got what one npc says open up options when talking to other npcs and much more. He would probably have a lot more done if I wasn't so slow at getting this town built, because right now I haven't given him proper locations to work with to do much other than dialogue. He is also helping with the quests for my mod.



But anyways, I will also be takeing all of the help I can get with the dialogue. I can write dialogue, but there are several hundreds of lines that need done, and that is just too much for any one person to do. So please volunteer to do just a few lines of diaolgue to help me out.






But other than just modders, I still like all the brainstorming help I can get. No skills required. I don't really need any more ideas that expand the scope of this mod, because this mod is already huge. But any help with getting the specifics of this mod narrowed down would be great. I mean stuff like how different stuff like the shop system should work, or what kind of stuff you should get as a reward. Or anything involving characters and back story. Also, stuff like what kind of decorations/clutter you would like to see would be great.

And I still like any and all pictures people can send me showing what kind of houses or furniture and stuff I should put into the mod.


Or you can simply just read my topic and tell me what you like and what you think sucks, that is always helpful.



Quests and other add on stuff



Ok, so I have mentioned exactly what I am going to do with this mod, and everything that I plan on including. But you may have noticed by now, there are no sort of cool quests for you to complete.


This is because making quests is an area that I know pretty much nothing about. I don't feel like I am qualified to be in charge of such an area, and taking on the responsibility of quests would make it even harder for me to get this whole thing finished and released. I may be ambitious, maybe even a bit too ambitious, but I am not crazy (ok, maybe just a little, but not crazy enough to take on making quests as well)


So here is what I plan on doing. I will get this town done, and anyone who is interested can build their own quests and adventures on top of my foundation. They can be their own boss, work however they want, and put their quest on its own page where they can get the credit they deserve for making it. The only rule I will have is that you can't upload my textures and meshes to your mod.


I can also bundle it with my mod if you would prefer that, but I figured more people would like to get credit for the add-on they did for my mod.


So I personally will not be working on any quests, but I will support anyone who wants to use my town for quests and such. I can even help you out by providing textures and meshes if you need them (if I make them for your quest you will have 100% permission to use those particular items for any purposes you choose, since I have given them to you, even if it is for mods not involving my stuff in any way. As long make a quest for me the item is as good as yours)


I will leave 2 broken down houses and 2 empty lots for people who want to use that space for something relating to their quest. If you want to set up a shop, a home for runaway slaves, an orphanage, a npcs house, or whatever, these spots are open for that. I can even build them for you if you like.



And finally, what I plan to do after the initial release of this mod



So, when I do finally get this whole thing finished and released onto the Nexus, I don't plan on stopping there. I still have a ton of other stuff I want to pull off.


All of this would be add-ons to the original file. These are just in the order they came to my head, I don't know what order they will get done in.



1. I want to add about 20 new hairstyles to this mod. 2 for each of the girls you can date and 1 for each of the guys (since guys rarely change their hair). The rest would be for the Player Character to have, even including some cool hair for guys, since they have been left out of most hair mods.


However, the hair will not be available through the race menu at the beginning of the game or through standard barbers. The main hairstyle for each girl will be completely exclusive to them. The rest of the hair will be available through my barber shop. I plan on working out a system that will let you earn different hair through helping out the barber and such. These hairstyles would come in the form of items, cards with the picture of the hairstyle to be exact. You would pick them up off the shelf in the barber shop and take it to the barber to get that hairstyle.


I also want the girls to be able to change hair from time to time and for dates, as well as give you the ability to give them hair cards that they can use.


I am not 100% sure on the programming possibility of this, but it seems to me like a workable solution to the fact that you can't really earn hair that goes into the race menu screen. I figured it can work like the way you get your hair replaced in Point Lookout.



2. I want to create a bunch of new outfits for the town. I will have 3 for each girl, that can only be used by them, I will explain why later, and 2 for each guy. I will also probably give the mayor and some other people in the town some custom stuff, but maybe it will just be re-textures, who knows. But I will also make some cool custom stuff for you to earn for helping out the blacksmith and the general store.


If I feel ambitious maybe even a new Power Armor based off of an old pre-war blueprint that was just about to enter production stage when the bomb went off. You could get the blueprint somehow and then have the blacksmith and town mechanic work together to build it for you.



3. The reason the girls outfits would have to be 100% exclusive to them, is because I want to make custom body meshes for each one of them. I want to create a unique figure that will fit the character. I will also be making custom underwear for each one, and making sure I do everything possible to bring attention to the uniqueness of each figure. The same will go for the custom outfits I make for each of them. I will also be needing to make swimwear for when they go swimming in the town pond.


I will also probably have an outfit or 2 that you can give as a gift. I would have to make a version to fit to each mesh and you would only be able to get one version of it.



4. I want to create the ability to have each of the relationship characters as a companion. Each one would have a custom set of skills to help you out, most of which would not be just shooting your enemies. One would be able to heal you while others can repair stuff or summon animals to help and such. I will list the specifics in the character section in the post below.



5. I want to make a model for a mutated horse creature, if someone would be able to get the thing ride-able. Then I would let you raise them on your farm and use them as transportation around the Wasteland.



6. I want to make some wasteland chickens and a centisheep, which is a wasteland sheep that has a body between 4 and 8 foot long and have about 12 legs. Think centipede combined with a sheep. You would be able to raise these like the brahmin.



7. I want to get my M-41 Walker Bulldog Light Tank into the game, and either make it driveable, or just set it up as a sentry that will patrol around the wall and shoot enemies





Well, I would like to thank anyone who actualy read through my huge wall of text. If you have read this far, I know it is a lot of stuff, but I am ready to go all out on getting this mod done, and I have done everything I can possibly do to get it off to a good start.


If you have read this far, and like what I am doing, please post on here, I just like knowing that people are actually interested in what I am doing here.


Up next is going to be another huge wall of text, writen by me. The next post is going to be all of the Character, backstory, and town information I have come up with so far. It will include character names, bios, history, the buildings and what will be included in each. I also might be adding some blueprints, screenshots, and concept art.


I plan on updateing the next post on a regular bases as things move along, that way people won't have to search through the entire topic to see exactly what is going on.


but anyways, thank you and have a good day





Hey! This is BIGtImeMOddeR, you and I spoke a little while ago about a post of mine. Well, I am intrigued about this mod idea of your's, and would LOVE to help. I am getting a new laptop soon, a mode quad processor model, so it will run stuff really fast (2-3 weeks time) But if you give me an oppertunity to work with voice acting or script writing, I will be happy to help. I don't know much about this mad whatever thing, infact I have never heard of it. If you need someone to do something, I will do script because I have never modded before. Now by this point i'm sure your thinking that I would be a sorry exuse for a human being on this project but i'm sure you need all the help you can get.



Furthermore i'm sure I would be a decent script writer, because i'm a good writer. I will leave all of the modding with textures and building design up to you and your friend. I am going to add you to my friends list because I really am attached to this idea, and would like to help.


Your friend,



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