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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Just found this thread, as I don't spend too much time on the forums.


All I have to say is Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang, this is ambitious.


I read enough to know what you all intend to do, and that's about it (didn't want to spoil anything for myself).


I'm not much help at all, but this is something I'll be watching and eagerly waiting for completion.


I would be willing to test it, but I can't really be of much more help than that, which is a shame.


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Found this thread by pure coincidence. But I think it sounds very interesting. How far is the progress on this mod? Is there any chance it will be out for FO3, or will I have to wait for New Vegas?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Alright i would love to see this mod come out (hopefully before New Vegas, and if not maybe incorporate it into new Vegas) so any ways i can help i will leap on the chance. Note- I have VERY limited Geck experience (but i could learn) and any voice overs needed i will gladly supply. pm me if you need any help ([email protected])
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  • 1 month later...
I coulda sworn he said somewhere he was now prepping his models for new vegas because he was hoping it would have more flexibility towards his needs and was no longer planning a FO3 release. Instead this was to be released for NV.
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