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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Hey I've been reading this up to page 5 so I don't know if you have already finished coming up with and/or asking for ideas about the girls importance, but I've had an idea for maybe 1 long flashback or multiple short-to-medium sized flashbacks. They start with the girl visiting D.C. with her parents on the day the bombs fell like you wander around a short amount of time then the nukes go off (possible end of first flashback). After a white flash/player exploring vault further intermission, the girl comes to and finds that the area around her is destroyed and she explores the area outside D.C. trying to find shelter. She comes across the Vault with people still coming inside due to those who reserved space tried to spend as much time outside before going to the bitter isolation of the Vault. She manages to get inside unnoticed and spends her life in the Vault. But it turns out that the radiation gave her the inability to age like the ghouls while still retaining her human looks. After she outlives many generations of Vault Dwellers, the Dr. (I forgot his name) begins his experiments on her trying to discover her ability to live forever. Thats all I got I hope you like it and it gets added to this mod or someone makes it its own mod if you do either please give me credit! P.S. PM me if you like it and if you have anything to say about it and I hope it gets added.
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