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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Ok, so I hope I am not totally going overboard on the scope of my mod by adding this, but Quetzlsacatanango said he would make the quests, and I would just need a base and a vault to finish things off.


But I was thinking of adding a new faction that would be involved in the quest to get the key to your house, as well as saving the child that you can adopt.





So, the story goes, as you come into town, the mayor tells you of the problems they have been having with the water pump. Since you are from a vault, he figures you would have the ability to go into a vault and retrieve the pieces necessary to fix the purifier. The mayor offers you the small empty farm in town if you complete this quest for him.


So you, wanting the chance to have your very own house, will eagerly take on the quest. So you get the map marker for the new quest and you head out to the vault. Inside the vault you find the remaining forces of the new faction that have stayed behind in order to raid the rest of the technology from the vault. You can talk to them and buy the pieces off of them, or just kill them all and take the pieces you need. But while in the vault you learn from the various computers, holotapes, and talking to the members of the faction of what happened when they first got to the vault. The faction broke in and killed all the people in the vault and raided the place, however, when they though they had killed everyone, in the labs on the basement level of the vault they found the experiments going on. Pretty much every one of them was dead or close to it except one little girl, who was sitting in a cell full or radiation but with no effects whatsoever. The faction took this girl back to their base to experiment on how the people of the vault could genetically modify a human to not be effected by radiation.


So you get your stuff, and information on this faction and the girl they kidnapped, as well as a map marker telling you where she is. You return to the town and get your house, but being the hero you are, you can't just leave this kid captured by this new faction. So off you go again to your new map marker to break into this base and find out what is going on and rescue this kid.


So you can either use speech to get in, sneak in through the tunnel in the back, or just shoot the guard and plow your way inside. You get to rescue the child and get the chance to set up a bomb to blow the base to nothingness. Afterwards if you saved the girl and adopt her as your own daughter.




I was planning on having the new faction be a kind of more advanced raider tribe, more like technology pirates that raid anything of technological value to improve their own power. I wanted to give them some sort of light plate armor, maybe a bit cyber ninja like or something.


As far as the armor goes, I can probably just take the model I have been making for practice, since it has the basic muscle structure made, and making plate armor is simple if you just modify off of those basic muscle shapes. It needs a lot more refinement, but here is what I have so far. It is just a start.






I was also thinking that since the people in the new faction will all be useing code names, I could use people off the forum if they want. So I would make the graurd at the gate named "The Wookie" and he would yell "hey, you can't come in here" right before you shoot him in the face.


So if anyone else wants a cyber raider person that gets killed brutally by the player character named after them, just tell me. You can even do the voiceover if you like.




But really, what I need is a vault and a base, anyones "my first vault tutorial" vault world work just fine, I just really don't want to take time away from my other stuff in order to build stuff for quests...

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So you and I have definitely bounced ideas off and your mod in itself is impressive. If you're still looking for a quest line for the the key I would be more than happy to give you some ideas. I enjoy doing that kind of stuff, and I'm fairly good at it. Just let me know if you're interested and I'll send you some. Until then, I'll get to writing some drafts.
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People with no GECK experience who want to help, you can do so by sending me dialogue for the characters described on the first page. The only ones who have anything of substance are Karen, Maria, and Ellie. Tony, I know you renamed them, but I can't remember what their new names are :)
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So you and I have definitely bounced ideas off and your mod in itself is impressive. If you're still looking for a quest line for the the key I would be more than happy to give you some ideas. I enjoy doing that kind of stuff, and I'm fairly good at it. Just let me know if you're interested and I'll send you some. Until then, I'll get to writing some drafts.


I'm always happy to take more ideas, I really just have a basic idea of reteriving the peices for the water purifier at the moment, but it could deffinatly use a lot more refinement and stuff.


Really, the important parts are


1. you go find parts to fix the water purifier

2. getting those parts earns you a home

3. there is a faction of high-tech cyber raiders named after people on the forums

4. you have to save the little girl that they kidnapped, and then you can adopt her


Where you expand from there is all up to you.




You could also work with the backstory of the town if you like, throw in something a bit more interesting and whatever, mabe put in some more tie ins with "The Faction" or something like that.




Looks awesome. Wish I could help but I have no modding experience. I could make screenshots or a video maybe? Got my settings on ultra-high with better textures and stuff.



ok, when we get some more stuff done I will send you the file, and then you can upload pictures up to this site




I wanna be a Cyber Ninja! They call me . . . The Dragon. . . The Cold Hearted Dragon.




Anyway Love the work man!




I was hopeing to put a little humor into "The Faction" by putting the people from this forum in as characters, and then brutally murdering them. I will deffinatly put you down as one of the characters, as well as anyone else who volunteers


Depending what I do for the helmet, I may even let you design the character to look like you


Do you have any certain thing you want to do for the faction?


right now I have


Dr. Zeon (Zeonic Glory) - performs experements

The Wookie (Me) - gaurds the gate

Ceta (OHWCeta) - sniper who calls himself the one hit wonder because he never has to shoot twice

The Dragon (IceDragon987) - assasin dude

DigiCrono - something

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Are you planning on creating a new race for "The Faction"? For example robotic eyepatches (texture only, like Billy Creel) and other "cyborg-enhancements".


Btw, I could help with simple image-stuff like creating posters for the town or help isgod101 polishing the screenshots.

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