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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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This is the basement level of the Raiders Vault. I haven\'t added any finishing touches and nothing is final. Love teasers no?


Here is a few pics.

This is the overview


This is the Mechanical Room/purifier Room. I won't tell you how you're going to have to open this!


Window seat to some evil experimentation!


Mass experiments!


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Tony all I have to say is WOW. Your vision for this MOD is amazing. I'm soo glad I registered to this forum and have seen this thread. I'm also really happy I decided to go with the PC version of FO3 so I have the opportunity to play something as wonderful as you have laid out.


I'll be watching the progress of this mod closely. Best of luck and I can't wait to play your DLC.

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This is the basement level of the Raiders Vault. I haven\'t added any finishing touches and nothing is final. Love teasers no?


Here is a few pics.


That is looking pretty cool


Tony all I have to say is WOW. Your vision for this MOD is amazing. I'm soo glad I registered to this forum and have seen this thread. I'm also really happy I decided to go with the PC version of FO3 so I have the opportunity to play something as wonderful as you have laid out.


I'll be watching the progress of this mod closely. Best of luck and I can't wait to play your DLC.



Allways good to see that people actually appreciate my crazy ideas


now I just have to make sure I don't disapoint the eagerly waiting fans of my idea :wink:

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could you use me?

I could be a..... something, I'll have to think on it


don't make the faction too high tech, maybe make their stuff kinda grimy, not perfectly clean and new



o, they won't be new or clean and stuff like that, they will be very peiced together and patched and such. They are just going to collect technology by raiding vaults, stealing from the Enclave and Brotherhood, or locateing lost manufacturing facilities.


they are just raiders that have risen to a higher level of raiding sophistication (if there is such a thing)



But you can be one of the Faction

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okay, thats great

I'll be a mechanic thats puts stuff together and repairs it (though sorta like the Paradise Falls trader, with not liking his bosses)

a sorta hi tech band of raiders would be kinda neat, though whats there connection to the town, besides cuasing trouble and a mention from the mayor

disgruntled someone from when the town was founded starts the faction to break away, and it warps into this over several generations?

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okay, thats great

I'll be a mechanic thats puts stuff together and repairs it (though sorta like the Paradise Falls trader, with not liking his bosses)

a sorta hi tech band of raiders would be kinda neat, though whats there connection to the town, besides cuasing trouble and a mention from the mayor

disgruntled someone from when the town was founded starts the faction to break away, and it warps into this over several generations?


other than the fact that they have occupied the vault that has the water purifier, I really havn't gotten too far into the story, I will get some more stuff later when I get a few more ideas



so, no one wants to help with dialogue?


it is really easy... only take a minute or two...




a few funny conversations would be great, because this mod is a bit lacking in the humor section at the moment :confused: I need to come up with some more smartasss coments and stuff





Can someone PLEASE tell me what you think of the dialogue I have come up with so far... i'm not sure if it is comeing across the way I wanted...


would you actually want to read the dialogue, or would you just skip over it because it is boring and I can't write? don't be nice, if it sucks PLEASE tell me, because if the dialogue falls apart, then the whole relationship thing will fall apart...

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Well, if you want feedback on the dialogue, I can do that.


So far, it really seems quite stiff. It's kinda like:


PC: "Hi there!"


NPC: "Oh, hi! Goodbye!"


The conversations are waaaaay too short. If you want an idea of how to write PC to NPC relationships and dialogue therein, then download this guide to the Baldur's Gate 2 romances. They (the romances) are incredibly well written, some of the best writing in any video game, and are very similar to what you are attempting to accomplish. They involve meeting these characters, getting to know them, and pursuing a romance if you wish. Now, I don't expect your mod to be that good, it's just a good thing to base your dialogue and stuff of of, and to learn from.

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Well, if you want feedback on the dialogue, I can do that.


So far, it really seems quite stiff. It's kinda like:


PC: "Hi there!"


NPC: "Oh, hi! Goodbye!"


The conversations are waaaaay too short. If you want an idea of how to write PC to NPC relationships and dialogue therein, then download this guide to the Baldur's Gate 2 romances. They (the romances) are incredibly well written, some of the best writing in any video game, and are very similar to what you are attempting to accomplish. They involve meeting these characters, getting to know them, and pursuing a romance if you wish. Now, I don't expect your mod to be that good, it's just a good thing to base your dialogue and stuff of of, and to learn from.


Thanks for the reply


I will try to work on the whole stiff dialogue thing, and I will deffinatly look at that guide, I am a huge Bioware fan, but never got around to playing Baldur's Gate. But it was Mass Effect that gave me the idea to try this for the relationship thing in the first place.



but as far as them being short, that is kindof what I had planned, considering the how many conversations there are going to be, and that at the moment Quetzlsacatanango is the only person putting stuff in the GECK, and that other than me he is the only person who has done any dialogue as well...


I would like to have them longer, but with the current number of people we have for this mod it just didn't seem practical. If people come to volunteer later on, then I would deffinatly expand things, but I feel that if I tried to go too far with the conversations it would probly end up never getting done.



I do however have a few of those that will be longer and more in depth, but it won't be for every single day



Sounds awesome. I'll be book marking this and keeping an eye on it. Definitely a must download when its finished. I'd offer to help, but I'm not much of a modder and I can't write either (well maybe a bit).



You could always try to write something, and if it sucks then I will just laugh at you :biggrin:

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