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Gamer (film) WOW!


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I saw it in the 4$ cheap night tonight, WOW i was totally not expecting it to be that good.


Trailers looked REALLLLLLLY bad.

Some surprises, some not-so-surprises.... Bodycount in the hundreds, organs flying everywhere, copious amounts of T&A... and a dance number.


As some critics say, yes, the first 15 minutes are pretty bad, but after that it gets pretty good :)



im buying it as soon as it comes out.



i gotta say, that guy from Dexter is in better shape than youd think (shirtless fight scene i mean)


Gerard Butler is awesome in it. as one critic wrote: "The way he molests the badguys make you wanne clap your hands in pure joy. "

In the end, you have to ask yourself, Would you play Society if it were real? or would you play Slayers? (or would you WORK in society!!!)


The game 'Society' (basically RL-Second Life) looks really fun, but i wonder if it would get boring fast lmao (as one critic wrote: "bitches swinging from chains for no *beep* reason people named things like 'Mynutshurt' riding scooters in circles and no one making fun of them. sounds groovy.")


Thinking back, there were some really surprising hand-to-hand fight maneuvers that made me go 'HOLY CRAP! THATS AWESOME!!' and i just didnt see them coming, but was satisfied. Crank producers FTW


I did really hate the ShakeyCam though. Its a bad excuse to coverup choreography fails




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