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Question about textures/Really AEVWD 1.5


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I made an OMOD of the LOD textures that placed it into the directory the readme said. It didn't exist, and there were no files to replace obviously. Activated it, and then utter disappointment. The mod files were in the primary directory of the archive. The readme, quoted says:


Extract to your Data\textures\landscapelod\generated folder, overwriting any already there.


Do you mean that the texture files were all placed in the data directory instead of the "Data\textures\landscapelod\generated" folder? If so, I guess this is another case of a modder creating an archive that isn't mod-manager friendly.


In that case, you will have to rebuild the OMOD so that OBMM installs the mod correctly.


Second, what ArchiveInvalidation method do you use?

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Oh boy...I double checked the omod's file paths just to double check, and it appears I forgot to add /textures/ before /landscapelod/. I fixed it, and the difference was immediate. I facepalm at my own failure. ._.


My screen can only go 1440*900.


Thanks for all the info and help though, I appreciate it.

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You're welcome. If it isn't a problem. could you post some screenshots of your game once you've installed all the texture replacers you want. I want to see what the game can eventually look like.


Also, what CPU do you have in your PC?


Lastly, what ArchiveInvalidation method do you use?

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Thank you for the info.


As for ArchiveInvalidation, you are using one called BSA Alteration. I think you should see if your OBMM is the latest version though. The latest version adds, amongst other things, another ArchiveInvalidation method called BSA Redirection.


Also, I would recommend you try figure out how to use Wrye Bash's mod installation utility, BAIN. It was originally designed for installing replacer mods and it has now developed to the point where it is a possible replacement for OBMM. The differences are summed up here.

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