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Modelling Issue


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Lo all,


I spent most of last night following various tutorials, on the wiki and on here, on importing custom weapon models.


To sum it up, all I'm trying to do is import a very simple one mesh weapon model to replace that of the knife. I understand the mechanics behind copying over block data, but before I can even get to that step, once Ive exported my model from Max 9 as a .nif and loaded it up into nifskope, I'm getting a completely squashed down version of the original mesh.


It basically appears to have been pushed from both ends and squashed down to a tenth its length.


Any ideas what i could be doing wrong (or not doing at all :S)?



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You could try to reset the X form of the object, go to the tools list on the side panel and hit reset X form then collapse the mesh.


Thanks man, I'll have a go. Even though the mesh appears perfectly scaled in Max, and only appears abnormal in Nifskope, could this be the issue?


edit: wonderful! Thanks a lot Speedy, I actually tried X-Forming a different way last night and had no joy, but alas, it's upto crack :) Cheers once again.

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in the nif export window there are two checkboxes, Collapse Transforms and Zero Transforms.

Check those off and export again, rename the export 'Collapsed&zeroed'


Export again, this time only with Collapse Transforms enabled, Zerotransforms disabled. Export as 'Collapsed'

Then, export a third time with only ZeroTransforms checked, Collapse Transforms disabled. Export as 'Zerod'



now, in nifskope, have a look, and if one of those three works, thats the option you should do from then on. Typically for me, Collapse/Zero both on usually works. Sometimes for certain nodes it will do bad things, so the odd time i have to export geometry seperate with one or the other disabled, then copy/paste over from that seperate nif into the main one im working on.

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