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Echo Icehand

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I want to make a script to activate on player an 'cast on self' spell, which is not in player spell list. The objective is to have the effect activate during dailogue.

just make the spell an ability with script effect. It's the safest method, even though it will be seen in your spell-list.


In dialogue? What exactly do you need? Please elaborate.

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The simplest method would be to make the heal spell On Self and make sure it's Immune to Silence and has no Casting Cost. Then, in the "Heal me" dialogue's script, you write player.cast MyHealingSpell player. The downside to that method is that the player would be performing the "Cast on self" animation.


To get aroudn that, you could make the heal spell On Target, and create a Persistent, invisible, otherwise useless Activator somewhere to cast the spell. Then the dialogue's script would go:

MyActivator.MoveTo player 0, 0, 20
MyActivator.cast MyHealingSpell player

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I'm not sure why, in open areas or more closed areas, like a sewer for instance, I've had activators cast sometimes and not others. For instance I have some scripted percentage (proc) based enchants and the activator wouldn't always cast when it was supposed to, which is that sometimes it would and other times it wouldn't and for no particular reason either way. Script was fine as an aside, I ended up just going with player.casting and sucking it up that the player casts the proc buff on themselves but it breaks immersion in my opinion.
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It could've been a huge number of possibilities. Like when you load a game when a script has run in it.

Or you're in the same worldspace, or you've loaded any version with scripts at all.

I find that particularly annoying when I'm testing something with different phases.

The 2nd phase doesn't work, so when I reload after I've fixed it..it works..but at the final test with a total clean save, it refuses to work again. That will force you in the end to go through all phases every time, something you'd not prefer to.

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