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Are there any mods to remap menu keys?


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I'm left-handed, so I use IJKL to move, and I remapped all of my keys accordingly. However, the "hotkeys" in menus don't remap to your movement keys, or whatever other keys. For example, in the Loot menu, you can press a key to automatically take everything or to exit. If I remember correctly, they are bound to two of the WASD keys. However, on my left-handed control scheme, the hotkeys are still bound to the default WASD keys and I have to use my mouse. This also happens with a bunch of other menus:


VATS (Accept/Cancel)

Loot (Take All/Exit)

Wait (Wait/Cancel)

Shop (Accept/Cancel)

Lockpicking (Force Lock)

Help Files (I forget)

Pip-Boy (Repair in Weapons menu)


Is there a mod that fixes this, or if there isn't, can someone point me in the right direction towards making one?



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