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I have an idea for a mod


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I have no idea how to make mods. If I did, I would probably make this:

Title: Realistically Combative

Description: Go into battle knowing you might not make it out alive! When you go into fight, there is now a chance that you can be injured!

Basically, when your health falls below certain amounts, your arm/leg can be fractured or something else!

It won't actually appear broken, but here is what happens!


*All effects happen at a 25% chance and only happen location wise and when hit with a weapon. 40% chance if weapon is a blunt instrument. 10% chance if weapon wasn't intended for fighting (Example: Woodcutter's Axe)


Swollen (Activated at 80% health) - Attacks deal 10% less damage; 5% chance of Negative Critical Hit, which deals 75% less damage

Bruised (Activated at 60% health) - Attacks deal 20% less damage; 10% chance of Negative Critical Hit, which deals 75% less damage; 5% chance spells' effect and damage is nullified(Doesn't count for healing spells); Arrows will go off course 25% of time

Broken (Activated at 30% health) - Attacks deal 50% less damage; 25% chance of Negative Critical Hit, which deals 75% less damage; 5% chance of straining arm and inflicting damage on self; 10% chance spells' effect and damage is nullified(Doesn't count for healing spells); Arrows will go off course 50% of time

Shattered (Activated at 10% health) - Attacks deal 50% less damage; 75% chance of Attack not dealing damage at all; 10% chance of straining arm and inflicting damage on self; Arrows always go off course


*Leg Activation Values same has arm activation values


Swollen - Walkspeed decreases to 80%; Sprinting takes more stamina

Bruised - Walkspeed decreases to 60%; Sprinting takes much more stamina; Chance of tripping

Broken - Carry weight decreases to 1, forcing you into walking; Attempts to sprint turn into tripping randomly

Shattered - Same as broken, except when sprinting successfully, you get 5% damage every second you sprint


Oh and one more effect.

Momentum :nuke: - Above effects are ignored. Damage increases by 250%. Every hit guarantees an injury if enemy is at the value. Your hits blow people away like your shout. Also enemies, if their level is 5 levels above your level or less flee from you (Shouldn't apply to dragons.) This effect can be obtained from Skooma's or by chaining kills consecutively.



Yes, it should work with enemies as well. This may seem has to much but imagine if you go through an army of enemies and you get that adrenaline rush! It can help a great deal. Plus this adds a lot of realistic-ness to skyrim! What could go wrong, I would love to hear replies.



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